Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 20 13.5%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 8.1%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 94 63.5%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 17 11.5%

  • Total voters


The Sol King
Donut, read that post.

Luffy vs Kizaru is confirmed
Zoro vs Lucci and Pacifista is not confirmed but possible (no VA and Zoro fights someone)
Sentomaru losing is confirmed
Luffy using light glove is not confirmed but possible

So out of the 4 lines, only Zoro opponents and Luffy using light gloves are not confirmed and the light gloves sounds the fakest
light gloves already got a hint pringles, stop coping about it and calling it fake.

Zoro vs Pacifista sounds fake, because they are far away from Zoro.
No it doesn't make kiz look bad...

Luffy has touch logia

So why he will care or needs special gloves made to touch light?

It only means luffy can't touch kiz otherwise for some reason
Because he has them and finds it cool, dude has adv CoC that split the sky but somehow can't damage Kizaru, let's be serious
I understand the disappointement of people who wants to see Kiz vs Zoro but it's no reason to twist anything to make Luffy look bad
Where did these pacifista come from? Lucci getting the Hyouzou and Monet treatment after going extreme diff with Goofy... I'm sure there won't be any coping.
The gloves thing is bs, so no one but old Ray can fight Kizaru without those gloves? :ihaha:
Lmao , exactly there's no logic at all.
If knows haki why tf do he needs The gloves for. ?
To bake a cakes? 🤦🤦💀.
Imagine Swordsmans pulling out gun in between their fight because they don't wanna fight close range. 😒🤦
This is bullshit.
Weak trio deserved Gloves , Not anyone from the monster trio.
That is what I am just "touch" Kizaru Luffy doesn't need any gloves to go against him when simple CoA can do that trick....but if Luffy finds it cool to use gloves for his....Luffy didn't vow to anyone that he fights in a "fair" manner...needing something and using something because one feels cool are two different things....

And Luffy is a fraud if he seriously "need" not "want" to use gloves...Oda is inconsistent but I don't think he is that inconsistent...


The Sol King
You don't even know what you are talking about for the light gloves. Nobody said it was Luffy who wore them
The gloves are for touching light, whoever is gonna use them has to be around Kizaru. Which means its one of Luffy, Lilith, Franky or Bonney.

Its by far not the "fakest" like you called it, lol.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Because he has them and finds it cool, dude has adv CoC that split the sky but somehow can't damage Kizaru, let's be serious
I understand the disappointement of people who wants to see Kiz vs Zoro but it's no reason to twist anything to make Luffy look bad
What zoro has to do with

We all know what abilities he has... If it's for fun... cool.

But if he seriously went for it then don't tell me that this making kiz looks bad here... it's otherwise