Do you like the Live Action Adaption?

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I think the live action is doing really good for One Piece as a whole. Its a relatively faithful adaptation of the manga that does a decent job at fitting dozens of chapters worth of content into 8 one hour long episodes.

One of the big issues I often get when recommending OP to people is the length. A lot of people are hesitant to pick up a series as long as OP.

Don't know how long this particular live action will last, but imo this and future live action projects could make OP a lot more accessible to non fans.
The faster pace has its pros and cons. The iconic moments of East Blue are not as memorable than in the OG. Krieg is arguably the weakest villain of first 100 chapter so I don't mind. In exchange, we actually saw Mihawk doing more things than the anime/manga. He was so cool that he reminded me of Thor in Infinity War with Stormbreaker. It was worth it.

Another change I like is Helmeppo being more of a spoil brat and not pointing a gun at Koby which was always a problem for me when they suddenly became friends in the manga.

The actor who played Kuro was phenomenal. He was a high serial killer type of character and I love him. Most of the older cast and villains delivered. Arlong's hatred and passion were more fleshed out.

Obviously, the series had to recreate iconic moments but It was great how they brought some twist to them. My favorite is Zoro and Nami having more scenes to flesh out their friendships and the navigator actually witnessing his fight against Mihawk.

The biggest downgrade was not seeing more of Zeff and Sanji being pushed to the extreme to make our cook's flashback more poignant.

I was worried that Smoker was gonna get the Krieg treatment but he literally has the last scene of the season. Meaning Oda and the showrunners are aware that he is a fan favorite. Garp and Koby chasing Luffy and co in season 2 would be too redundant. I suppose he is gonna be more prominent alongside Tashigi. The way we portray women is complicated today and I don't think Netflix is gonna let Oda portray Tashigi in the same way poor way like the manga. I think you can show Zoro as better without making her a laughingstock.

If we reach the New World, that faster pace and limited budget are gonna be blessings in disguise cause my biggest gripes with part 2 are the pace and too many characters. Poorly received characters like Brownbeard, most of the rookies, all of the coliseum fighters (except Cavendish and Barto), the Dwarves, Bellamy, Kinemon + Momo, and the Scabbard are gonna get their screentime reduced or wiped out to let more likable characters shine.

I love how Oda basically made Usopp x Kaya canon which is something I suspected for years. Emily would have loved this because it would open the door for more romantic scenes between Zoro and Tashigi which Oda heavily implied was a mutual thing.
Live action Mihawk is amazing. Both casuals and hardcore fans of the series are raving about his casting and acting. Matt Owens is a huge Mihawk fan and it shows - the series near-perfectly captured Mihawk’s sassiness and his status as a true wildcard that not even the most powerful organisation in the world can truly control. My favourite part of the LA has to be people coming round to Mihawk’s multifaceted character and the charm of Oda’s other side characters like Zeff and Buggy. Amazing work to both the cast and crew.
Live action Mihawk is amazing. Both casuals and hardcore fans of the series are raving about his casting and acting. Matt Owens is a huge Mihawk fan and it shows - the series near-perfectly captured Mihawk’s sassiness and his status as a true wildcard that not even the most powerful organisation in the world can truly control. My favourite part of the LA has to be people coming round to Mihawk’s multifaceted character and the charm of Oda’s other side characters like Zeff and Buggy. Amazing work to both the cast and crew.
Matt Owens the One Piece live action showrunner, made a arc tier list.


I'd move:

- Long Ring to B
- Wano to F (easily the worst post-TS arc and among the worst things I have ever read in general)
- Dressrosa to C
- WCI to D

The rest seems to be okay.

I hope, if the Live Action ever reaches Wano, Owens doesn't repeat Lolda's mistakes and actually improves on the story.
Live action Mihawk is amazing. Both casuals and hardcore fans of the series are raving about his casting and acting. Matt Owens is a huge Mihawk fan and it shows - the series near-perfectly captured Mihawk’s sassiness and his status as a true wildcard that not even the most powerful organisation in the world can truly control. My favourite part of the LA has to be people coming round to Mihawk’s multifaceted character and the charm of Oda’s other side characters like Zeff and Buggy. Amazing work to both the cast and crew.
I loved how they showcased Mihawk's emphasis on precision during his intro when he deflects the bullets onto Krieg's subordinates. The Spanish music was perfect and Emily would have loved this because she said "Zoro's always been a bulldog of a fighter. I think Brook described him and Ryuma as power types, so he would naturally struggle against Mihawk even after growing so much stronger. Mihawk isn't just strong, but precise and technical. He'd treat Zoro like a matador treats their bull. Kudos for playing up on that."