Yea brazil has a higher number ofc but in this context was talking about america

what was the past history of slavery like there anyway, it's not like the country had a majority white country like america

im aware egyptians had jewish slaves as example, was that the same kinda context there
Blacks were slaves.The Portuguese married the natives and their offspring ruled Brazil.Once slavery was abolished in 1888,most of the black population was left in misery and poverty because Brazil was not industrialized.There were no jobs for them,no education,no housing and so on.All this happened a little over a century ago.So the social inequality this shit show breed is very visible today.All thnx to the Republican coup.The King and our monarchs wanted to give land to the freed slaves so they could start new lifes,that military coup in 1889 caused most of ours problems nowadays.Brazil should become a Monarchy again imo.
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was brazil

the country that had the irish slaves or was it somewhere else
what?Black slaves!No irish here lol
what?Black slaves!No irish here lol
I see

was merely curious
couldt remember what country it was that had them

.Once slavery was abolished in 1888,most of the black population was left in misery and poverty because Brazil was not industrialized.There were no jobs for them,no education,no housing and so on
is the case
different over here

where everybody is kinda broke
or would it solely just be a issue for the black's
I see

was merely curious
couldt remember what country it was that had them

is the case
different over here

where everybody is kinda broke
or would it solely just be a issue for the black's
That is why we have so many favelas too,all those people moved into hills and builds their improvised houses there.
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