If you legit think an "incident which shocks the world" is just Luffy escaping after a brief clash with Kizaru, then your reading comprehension is hindered by your agenda. Would it really be that shocking for Luffy to just "escape"? Think about it. Something BIG needs to happen. A navy admiral losing to the new Emperor would definitely be an unprecedented event which would shock the world. Luffy escaping with Vegapunk, meh, not so shocking.
Let that bum believe his admiral fanboy copium opinions, he'll fall hard when his idol loses.
Going back to old stuff that is easier to refute when losing an argument. Typical admiral fanboy strawman.

Did I hurt your feelings kid?

The irony, I guess you can kick Kinyagi from your admiral fanboy club.
So you used the ''Admiral fans doublestandards'' argument 10 times the past hour only because Kinyagi alone hyped it
Lmfao, you're so full of shit

I'll see you next week crying about how you never said any of these things
I'm a Luffy fan and I'm ashamed of any fellow Luffy fans who actually thinks that the fight is going to quickly end with Luffy easily defeating Kizaru.

I still think Luffy could maybe defeat Kizaru during this arc but not this early and not this quickly either.
trolling aside
Every fandom is full of black sheep’s
You don’t need to feel ashamed, the OP fandom is generally weird and toxic
I'm a Luffy fan and I'm ashamed of any fellow Luffy fans who actually thinks that the fight is going to quickly end with Luffy easily defeating Kizaru.

I still think Luffy could maybe defeat Kizaru during this arc but not this early and not this quickly either.
Don't worry, even admiral fans believe that nowadays.

Please for the love god, IOda don't let Kizaru get completely clowned and negged next chapter.

I've bet my account on logia awakening. It's do or die time.

The point of Kizaru is to set the power levels of those to come. There’s zero reason for Kizaru to survive this arc after oda has shown that everything here is so heavily connected to his own character it’s the only arc for Kizaru to be defeated.

There’s not going to be a new admiral, just Sakazuki Fujitora and Ryokugyu. And I’m not comparing Kizaru to pirate bounties, I’m saying if Oda wanted to show Kizaru as the strongest, he wouldn’t have given him the same bounty as Fuji and Ryo despite Kizaru having years of accolades from his past that the others don’t.

Basically Kizarus defeat does a few main things that oda needs to do:
1. Set the minimum power needed to defeat an admiral (yonko luffy)
2. Set the precedent that Luffy still isn’t ready to defeat Sakazuki and will need to grow more (adds more stakes to this fight)
3. Gives Kizarus character a fitting end in an arc that he gets to be the focus on.
Read another piece of literature except one piece
I was specifically referring to Shonen Manga as a medium, not "literature" in general. Most Shonen Manga dicksuck and hype the MC, lol. It's main character for a reason.
Post automatically merged:

Read more mangas my friend
It's also hard to compare to other mangas, when One Piece is 1000+ chapters long, and at this point, Luffy needs to be a top tier
So you used the ''Admiral fans doublestandards'' argument 10 times the past hour only because Kinyagi alone hyped it
Lmfao, you're so full of shit

I'll see you next week crying about how you never said any of these things
Yet, that note was correct and changes nothing to the point. Kinyagi is among you.

As I said, you admiral fanboys are good at strawman because you are bad at refuting arguments.

You take stuff out of its context to mock people, when there has always been a context.

You'll ignore that I posted the editor's note (that was correct for 1092), you'll ignore the other arguments.

You'll only take "Luffy defeats Kizaru in 1093" out of its context and try to mock me with it, I know that's what you will do.

That's what you did when I said that "Luffy might one shot Kizaru", you just take that sentence out of its context, exaggerated what I said by saying "Pringles said that Luffy will one shot Kizaru" and tried to mock me with it.

That doesn't work with me. I will fucking repost all of my messages if necessary.

I really hope for you that Luffy does not defeat Kizaru next chapter because this will be a nightmare for you and I won't even be the one clowning you because I just don't give a fuck about you.
The only one to give a shit about editor previews is Kinyagi, everyone know they are fraudulent.
It's time to stop taking him as the representative of admirals fans.

Anyway this was the jump preview for chapter 1038 :

"New generation vs yonko, the clash that separates an era, what will be the outcome?!"
Actual chapter 1038 : No Luffy vs Kaido (that had one more round later and only ended in chapter 1049), some Big Mom vs Kid & Law but the fight only finished in 1040.
The only one to give a shit about editor previews is Kinyagi, everyone know they are fraudulent.
It's time to stop taking him as the representative of admirals fans.

Anyway this was the jump preview for chapter 1038 :

"New generation vs yonko, the clash that separates an era, what will be the conclusion?!"
Actual chapter 1038 : No Luffy vs Kaido (that had one more round later and only ended in chapter 1049), some Big Mom vs Kid & Law but the fight only finished in 1040.
Editor's note of wano said we're at the climax in 997 and it kept repeating that shit every chapter 😭
The only one to give a shit about editor previews is Kinyagi, everyone know they are fraudulent.
It's time to stop taking him as the representative of admirals fans.

Anyway this was the jump preview for chapter 1038 :

"New generation vs yonko, the clash that separates an era, what will be the outcome?!"
Actual chapter 1038 : No Luffy vs Kaido (that had one more round later and only ended in chapter 1049), some Big Mom vs Kid & Law but the fight only finished in 1040.
What's funny about that is that before that chapter (1038), people didn't think Kid & Law would defeat Big Mom. But then they did. Very similar situation here, except there are a lot more Ladmiral fans than Big Mom fans, and the meltdown will be glorious in the next few chapters
Bro kommt eig ganz Österreich aus der Steiermark? Immer wenn ich jemanden im TV oder in einem YT Video sehe, kommen die von dort
Haha nein :milaugh:
Steiermark ist zwar groß ,aber das mit dem TV hängt wsl damit zusammen das die sehr schwere Regenfälle in den letzten Wochen hatten mit Überschwemmungen und schweren Hangrutschungen .
YT kommt drauf an was du dir anschaust :milaugh:
The only one to give a shit about editor previews is Kinyagi, everyone know they are fraudulent.
It's time to stop taking him as the representative of admirals fans.

Anyway this was the jump preview for chapter 1038 :

"New generation vs yonko, the clash that separates an era, what will be the outcome?!"
Actual chapter 1038 : No Luffy vs Kaido (that had one more round later and only ended in chapter 1049), some Big Mom vs Kid & Law but the fight only finished in 1040.
But but the editors said this and that, that means they have to be right!

The editors are nothing but frauds that don't know anything, anyone who has read One Piece since the WCI arc days or even earlier all knows this.