@Pringles Luffy threw Kizaru like a fodder. G5 negged Kizaru so hard he went to attack Vegapank instead. Its over for admiralbois. :finally: :finally:
Chapter 1093 Title: Luffy vs. Kizaru
-Luffy prepares to throw Kizaru away.
-Luffy throws Kizaru away, Kizaru comes back with light copies to attack.
-Kizaru prepares to attack the vacuum missile (transfer tube) with Vegabank, Sanji, and Atlas in it.
-Luffy comes in time to receive the attack. The rest arrive at the factory floor and Atlas replaces Kizaru's command.
-The chapter ends with the gaze of Gorosi Saturn.

Break next week
It truly is over for Kizaru

The only one who is eating copium is you and Pringles.

Not too sure why you want to see Luffy one shot an Admiral that badly.

Where is the fun in that? Between having a really good fight against an Admiral and just simply one shotting/low diffing one, you choose the latter just because of your dumb bias and hatred towards the Admirals.

Do you really hate the Admirals that much? It's honestly sad and pathetic btw.

People have been waiting for years to see Luffy have a good fight against an Admiral, Oda isn't going to have Luffy one shot/low diff one this quickly.

If that was the case, then Oda might as well have Luffy just get the One Piece already.

Oh and also I'm still on the side that Luffy will defeat Kizaru during this arc but unlike you, I don't think Luffy will defeat him that quickly especially not in 1093.

Anyways keep huffing those copium Lerkovian.:pepecopium: