Master Piandao
1x Duelist; Master Swordsman
"The way of the sword doesn't belong to any one nation. Knowledge of the arts belongs to us all!"
Congratulations, you are
Master Piandao, World Peace Aligned!
Nationality: Fire Nation
Possibly the strongest non-bender in the world, you are a master swordsman with strong morals. You believe in the arts and will play your part in creating a world of peace between nations.
- Non-Bender -
(Day) Duelist - Once during the first half of the day, you can initiate a duel against another player by typing
Duel PlayerName in the Game Thread and tagging the host. For the rest of that day, a second 'lynch' will commence where only you and the player you are dueling can be killed. All players in the game may vote for one of the players to win the duel. At the end of that day, the player with least votes to win the duel is regular killed, while the other survives. Tied votes results in you losing the duel. All duel votes count as exactly 1 and cannot be manipulated.
(Passive) Master Swordsman - If you lose the duel but you had at least half the amount of duel votes your target had (rounded down), you will attempt a final slash onto your target, causing them to bleed publicly, regular killing them the night after next if not healed.
Win Condition - Eliminate all threats to