[FNZ] Role Madness Avatar - The Last Airbender Mafia [Game Ended - Mafia + Indie Faction + Neutral Indie Victory]

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Day 7 End / Night 7 Start


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Day 7 End / Night 7 Start - The Dai Li

@BakiDou was lynched!

Once a poor street urchin from Ba Sing Se, the now renounced leader of the Dai Li and advisor to the Earth King himself takes over a dangerous, yet hidden, scheme to rule over Ba Sing Se. He managed to hide the war for many years, but alas, bit more than he could chew...
Long Feng
3x Mafia Jailkeeper; 1x Hide The War; 1x Ninja + [The Avatar]

"The Earth King has no time to get involved with political squabbles and the day to day minutia of military activities..."

Congratulations, you are Long Feng, World Corruption Aligned!
Nationality: Earth Kingdom

Manipulative, influential, and power hungry, you have no issue choosing whichever side may benefit you the most. With Ba Sing Se no longer in your grasp, you turn your anger towards the Avatar and his friends who have stopped you. With your Dai Li agents, you have decided to aid the Fire Nation.

- Earth Bender -

Mafia Jailkeeper - Once per night, you can target a player and command the Dai Li to put them in prison, roleblocking them + protecting them from regular kills that night. [3-shots]

Hide The War - Once at night, you can activate this ability to intercept all anonymous private messages sent in the game that night and obtain them for yourself instead. You will gain a second shot of this ability after a certain game event transpires. [1-shot]

Ninja - Once at night, if you are performing the factional kill, you can have a secret Dai Li agent carry out the kill instead, making it immune to all forms of detection. [1-shot]

>>> The Avatar - You are reincarnated as the new Avatar, and are now granted full access to the Avatar role! You are aware that this reincarnation is not alignment indicative, and that the Avatar may fall at the hands of evil and corruption just as it does at the hands of righteousness... The balance of the world dictates all... and takes no sides!
The Avatar; Jack of Town Leading Trades; Spirit World; Avatar State

- Elemental Bender -
- Super Role -

(Passive) The Avatar - You are the current Avatar and are aware that there can possibly exist only one Avatar at any given era, however, whenever the current Avatar dies, the Avatar role is reincarnated the following cycle into a bender from another nation, following this cyclical order: Air > Water > Earth > Fire (this skips over nations with no available benders for them, however, if there is no available bender for 2 elements in a row, the reincarnation cycle ceases to exist). This passive cannot be destroyed/disabled/crushed. Certain benders can never become the Avatar. The to-be reincarnated bender is not randomized, and is instead determined by a predefined priority order. The reincarnation will not be publicly announced.

(Day) Jack of Town Leading Trades - Once per day, you can use one of the following bending abilities. Each bending ability has a 2-cycle cooldown that carries on even upon reincarnating. If you are lynched, the abilities you use that day will be canceled.
--- Air Bending - Target up to 1/15th of the living players (rounded up) and publicly render them unable to receive positive actions from others the following night. [2-Cycles Cooldown]
--- Water Bending -
Target up to 1/15th of the living players (rounded up) and publicly protect them from rolecrushes the following night. You may self-target. [2-Cycles Cooldown]
--- Earth Bending -
Target up to 1/15th of the living players (rounded up) and publicly protect them from regular kills the following night. You may not self-target. [2-Cycles Cooldown]
--- Fire Bending -
Target up to 1/15th of the living players (rounded up) and publicly rolecrush them the following night. [2-Cycles Cooldown]
--- Energy Bending -
Target a player and publicly remove all of their energy and bending, turning them into a vanilla/goon for the rest of the game starting that night. Usable only during the Avatar State. You, or your future lives, may reactivate this ability outside of the Avatar State to return the removed energy to that player, giving them back their abilities. Cannot be healed by any other means. Certain abilities cannot be destroyed/turned vanilla. [2-Cycles Cooldown]

Spirit World - Once at night, you can activate this ability to enter into the spirit realm and seek guidance from the previous avatars during the following day, allowing you to talk to up to 2 previous owners of this role (of your choice) for the duration of that day. This ability can only be used once per owner of this role, except the first owner, who may not activate this ability. While in the spirit world, you cannot activate any other ability. After the end of your chat, each one of the previous avatars that you spoke to will have the option to put one of your bending abilities (of their choice) out of cooldown if they so wish.

Avatar State - Once at night, you can activate this ability to enter into the Avatar State for the duration of the entire following cycle, enabling yourself to use up to all 5 of your bending abilities that cycle. This ability can only be used once per owner of this role. If you die while in the Avatar State, the Avatar reincarnation cycle will be broken and cease to exist. Cannot be used in the same night as Spirit World.

Win Condition - You win when you eliminate all threats to your faction and control the voting majority, or when nothing can prevent that outcome from happening.
King Bumi
3x Earth Lock

“You need to find someone who waits and listens before striking...”

Congratulations, you are King Bumi, World Peace Aligned!
Earth Kingdom

Eccentric and kooky, you are the king of Earth Kingdom's city, Omashu. As an old friend of the Avatar's, you are ready to help him in the ways you see fit. Being one of the most powerful earthbenders, you believe there is a time for everything and are content holding back at times and striking at other times.

- Earth Bender -

Earth Lock - Once per night, you can target a player and jail them with your earth bending, roleblocking them + protecting them from regular kills. [3-shots]

Win Condition - Eliminate all threats to Town.


Night 7 has started!

You have a maximum of 17 hours to send in your night actions.
Night ends faster if everyone locks in their actions.

Night 7 ends in - Countdown

Living Players (10/31):
1. @DoflaMihawk
2. @Pot Goblin
3. @Mr. Reloaded
4. @Kiku
5. @Natalija
6. @Peroroncino
7. @Whicker @Ultra
8. @Nibel
9. @Indigo @Flower @Dr_Professor83
10. @Ariess @AL sama

Dead Players (21/31):
1. @MangoSenpai (Avatar Aang)
- The Avatar; Jack of Town Leading Traders; Spirit World; Avatar State - Lynched Day 1
2. @Lord Melkor (Wan Shi Tong) - Spirit of Knowledge; Sink The Library! - Died Night 1

3. @Random Asshole (War Minister Qin) - Odd-Night Rolewatcher; 1x Fire Nation Drill - Died Night 1
4. @Michelle (The Mechanist) - Inventor - Duelled Day 2
5. @KWEH (Mai) - Team Azula; Crown Princess Neighborizer; Lovesick - Lynched Day 2
6. @Charlie (Master Piandao) - 1x Duelist; Master Swordsman - Died Night 2
7. @MUUGEN (Fire Lord Ozai) - Godfather; Bulletproof; Scum Leader; Fire Nation Restoration - Died Day 3
8. @Midnight Delight (Kanna) - Betrothal Necklace - Lynched Day 3
9. @Juliet @Neeko (Suki) - 1x Seraph Knight - Died Night 3

10. @ThePlatinum (Ty Lee) - Team Azula; Circus Actress; Chi Blocking - Lynched Day 4
11. @TheAncientCenturion (Master Pakku) - 3x Roleblocker + [The Avatar] - Died Night 4
12. @Polar Bear (The Southern Raiders) - Detached; Bender Scouting; Jack of Raiding Trades - Died Night 4
13. @MonochromeYoru @Ratchet (Hama) - Non-Consecutive Blood Bending; 2x Healer - Died Night 4

14. @Psylocke @CakeWalker (Professor Zei) - 2x Anthropology Guide - Face Stolen Day 5
15. @The Orca (Jeong Jeong) - 3x Fire Wall - Lynched Day 5

16. @Sallucion @Dr. Watson (The Swamp Benders) - Jack of Swamp Bending Trades - Modkilled Day 6
17. @Orwellian (Bato) - 2x Vote Amplifier - Face Stolen Day 6
18. @T-Pein™ (Toph) - 4x Bodyguard - Lynched Day 6

19. @Fujishiro (The Nomads) - Concert; Musical World Tour; List Checker - Won Game Night 6
20. @Alwaysmind (Hakoda) - 3x Vigilante - Died Night 6
21. @BakiDou (Long Feng) - 3x Mafia Jailkeeper; 1x Hide The War; 1x Ninja + [The Avatar] - Lynched Day 7

@hime @Ekkologix
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Night 7 End / Day 8 Start


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Night 7 End / Day 8 Start - Pollution

A voice echoed for the last time, and a body was never found...

The iron will of the factory overseer has met it's match. Once made of shining steel, the metals now fade away and rust as their master meets a similar fate...
General Mung
3x Fire Nation Factory; 2x Pollution

"Oh, right, the mysterious 'Painted Lady' did it. And I suppose she drew the Army emblem on your containers too?"

Congratulations, you are General Mung, World Corruption Aligned!
Fire Nation

As a ruthless general in the Fire Nation army, you must do whatever it takes to aid the Fire Nation in the war. Even if it means causing sickness and bad living conditions to those around you, you work for a greater cause.

- Fire Bender -

Fire Nation Factory - You are in charge of meeting the fire nation's war demands, regardless of the pollution your factory causes. Once per night, you can target a player and grant them an extra shot to an ability of theirs, provided that it was originally 2 or more shots. Your target is only informed of this buff if it successfully granted them an extra shot. Cannot self-target. [3-shots]

Pollution - Once per night, you can target a player and reverse their respective alignment scan result that night (Framer/Lawyer). [2-shots]

Win Condition - You win when you eliminate all threats to your faction and control the voting majority, or when nothing can prevent that outcome from happening.
The Sun Warriors Chief
2x Eternal Flame

"If you wish to learn the ways of the Sun, you must learn them from the masters, Ran and Shaw..."

Congratulations, you are The Sun Warriors Chief, World Peace Aligned!
Fire Nation

As the head of the Sun Warriors Tribe (an ancient tribe living in secret), you work to preserve your traditions and protect the dragons from harm. With your eternal flame, you give the opportunity to those seeking enlightenment.

Will you help the Avatar and his friends achieve this?

- Fire Bender -

Eternal Flame - Once per night, you can target a player and bestow upon them the eternal flame, granting them an extra shot to an ability of theirs, provided that it was originally 2 or more shots. The target is only informed of this buff if it successfully granted them an extra shot. [2-shots]

Win Condition - Eliminate all threats to Town
Princess Yue
Beloved Princess

"Our strength comes from the Spirit of the Moon. Our life comes from the Spirit of the Ocean. They work together to keep balance..."

Congratulations, you are Princess Yue, World Peace Aligned!
Water Tribe

As the princess of the Northern Water Tribe, you are kind, thoughtful, and understanding of your duty to your tribe and your people. You are a sacrificing individual and will do what you must if it helps the world.

- Non-Bender -

(Passive) Beloved Princess - If you are lynched, the following day phase will be skipped. If you are night killed, the current Avatar will be forced into entering the Avatar State the following cycle, regardless of any restrictions it may have.

Win Condition - Eliminate all threats to Town.

A fleeing princess, banished in the war. Isolated from her home and children, no one hears her last cries for help...
Princess Ursa
Exiled; 2x Messenger

"No matter how things may seem to change, never forget who you are!"

Congratulations, you are Princess Ursa, World Peace Aligned!
Fire Nation

A kind and loving mother, once a member of the royal Fire Nation family, you will go to whatever lengths to protect those around you. Exiled for treason, your whereabouts are unknown...

- Non-Bender -

(Passive) Exiled - You cannot receive positive actions from any other player.

2x Messenger - Once per night, you can target a player and send them an anonymous private message via the host. [2-shots]

Win Condition - Eliminate all threats to Town.


Day 8 has started!

You have a little under 34 hours to discuss lynch
with 7 alive, it takes 4 votes to achieve majority.

Day 8 ends in - Countdown

Living Players (7/31):
1. @DoflaMihawk
2. @Pot Goblin
3. @Mr. Reloaded
4. @Kiku
5. @Natalija
6. @Whicker @Ultra
7. @Nibel

Dead Players (24/31):
1. @MangoSenpai (Avatar Aang)
- The Avatar; Jack of Town Leading Traders; Spirit World; Avatar State - Lynched Day 1
2. @Lord Melkor (Wan Shi Tong) - Spirit of Knowledge; Sink The Library! - Died Night 1

3. @Random Asshole (War Minister Qin) - Odd-Night Rolewatcher; 1x Fire Nation Drill - Died Night 1
4. @Michelle (The Mechanist) - Inventor - Duelled Day 2
5. @KWEH (Mai) - Team Azula; Crown Princess Neighborizer; Lovesick - Lynched Day 2
6. @Charlie (Master Piandao) - 1x Duelist; Master Swordsman - Died Night 2
7. @MUUGEN (Fire Lord Ozai) - Godfather; Bulletproof; Scum Leader; Fire Nation Restoration - Died Day 3
8. @Midnight Delight (Kanna) - Betrothal Necklace - Lynched Day 3
9. @Juliet @Neeko (Suki) - 1x Seraph Knight - Died Night 3

10. @ThePlatinum (Ty Lee) - Team Azula; Circus Actress; Chi Blocking - Lynched Day 4
11. @TheAncientCenturion (Master Pakku) - Roleblocker + [The Avatar] - Died Night 4
12. @Polar Bear (The Southern Raiders) - Detached; Bender Scouting; Jack of Raiding Trades - Died Night 4
13. @MonochromeYoru @Ratchet (Hama) - Non-Consecutive Blood Bending; 2x Healer - Died Night 4

14. @Psylocke @CakeWalker (Professor Zei) - 2x Anthropology Guide - Face Stolen Day 5
15. @The Orca (Jeong Jeong) - 3x Fire Wall - Lynched Day 5

16. @Sallucion @Dr. Watson (The Swamp Benders) - Jack of Swamp Bending Trades - Modkilled Day 6
17. @Orwellian (Bato) - 2x Vote Amplifier - Face Stolen Day 6
18. @T-Pein™ (Toph) - 4x Bodyguard - Lynched Day 6

19. @Fujishiro (The Nomads) - Concert; Musical World Tour; List Checker - Won Game Night 6
20. @Alwaysmind (Hakoda) - 3x Vigilante - Died Night 6
21. @BakiDou (Long Feng) - 3x Mafia Jailkeeper; 1x Hide The War; 1x Ninja + [The Avatar] - Lynched Day 7
22. @Peroroncino (???) - ??? - Died Night 7
23. @Indigo @Flower @Dr_Professor83 (General Mung) - 3x Fire Nation Factory; 2x Pollution - Died Night 7

24. @Ariess @AL sama (Princess Ursa) - Exiled; 2x Messenger - Died Night 7

@hime @Ekkologix
Pollution - Once per night, you can target a player and reverse their respective alignment scan result that night (Framer/Lawyer). [2-shots]

Used it on Pero to switch the Michelle scan, possibly used it again for Kiku?
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