Koby was played by a rainbow brigade wokie in the live action. How did that make you feel?
Bru you serious? That means in the live action they are going to let a rainbow version of koby still be more important in ^the story than sanji?????

Damn I thought in the manga and anime sanji fans told me that the only reason why sanji wasn't as popular as he should have been was because of his rainbow actions (dressing up like a Obama and living on their island learning their ways) but here it is kobys character in the live action is actually played by one and yet his role is still going to be more important than sanji? That's wild bro thanks for pointing that out
We’ll likely get some panels but knowing how Oda writes the full focus on Luffy vs Kizaru will be once he is done setting up everything else as it is shaping up to be a drawn-out fight.
The ones taking a big L are the Yonkotards who prayed Luffy would stomp and be done with Kizaru in 1-2 chapters:kobeha:
Probably will focus on the pacifistas switching sides this chapter. Maybe a bit on the BB Pirates but I expect most this chapter to take place below the dome