Yamato may be like Charlotte Linlin in her youth, already extremely strong and resistant but still far from becoming an Emperor in terms of strength and without fighting skills.
Either Yamato is actually good and we'll find out the reasons later or he's entirely just fucking with Luffy to give him a good fight somewhere else. Aka, he was "waiting" for Luffy so he could beat him.
Just because Yamato wanted to meet Luffy doesn't mean they will not fight, why do you think Yamato wanted to meet Luffy?
If Luffy will not get 1v1 against Kaido then it's logical that he'll get his 1v1 against Yamato, Luffy is the MC he will get his 1v1 against someone in this arc regardless and Yamato seems to be the best candidate.
nonsense. Ulti and P1 were stalling Luffy till Yamato came into the picture and attacked her suddenly, causing her to fall and him grabbing Luffy to run.
Now can we stop underestimating sanji ? Even Yamato(ace and stronger than king) cheap shot ulti can’t even one shot her and sanji made page one fall into a building and turn hybrid mode out of fear
She looks menacing, but still retains some of the cute Ulti features.
Kinda fun to read people go bonkers over just the name of the fruit before pictures tho lol
And in the span of 2 chapters the hype around the flying Six all but disappears. The only strong one among them is going to be Drake who will likely be Commander level comparable to Pero. Who's Who is going to be hype tool for Queen before Sanji fights Queen.
Oda loves to raise everyones expectations then then shatter it in a million pieces.
Mark my words. Who's Who is going to job very hard.
He Didn't beat page one (with raid suit) , page one is arguably the weakest tobbi ropo, and all he did against drake was dodging an attack and getting hiy by a tail
Judging by the spoilers Ulti fall down by Yama attack alongside the other beast pirates. Nothing about the getting defeated.
The most chapter is most like based on the Ulti+Pageone vs Luffy part. Nice that Oda don't let the flyers get trashed by Luffy. Hope we see some good feats in the chapter.
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