Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 13.4%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.6%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 97 61.8%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 20 12.7%

  • Total voters

Gorosei Informer

Honestly, shes turning out to be much better with her fruit than I expected. I didn't know what to expect either but Oda showed how his creativity/imagination are far superior as usual lol.

I really liked the different aspects of her fruit. like this "near death experience" ability, her fighting with alternate/potential future versions of herself by morphing her body into them and that she can actually affect objects too, which makes her like Ains or w/e her name was from Film Z but better now officially. I don't even know how Ain's fruit is meant to compare to hers now especially lol.

Stampede made her look really cool and I love she's more of a physical fighter and thus does kicks like Sanji and Kizaru too. Much better than I expected for her. Although I didn't know what to expect either as I said before ofc lol.

I strongly believe she is a failed Big Mom clone at this point, rather than just being her daughter or w/e, it can't be coincidence she's from a place called "Sorbet Island" amongst other major similarities and the WG failed to get Big Mom before when they wanted her and considered her Fleet Admiral potential too.

Hell, I even suspected Yamato was somehow the result of an experiment and not actually Kaido's daughter but maybe infused with his DNA , like a chimera/frankensteinian experiment or even like Sanji and his brothers sort of and thus why her hair is multicolour and so unusual. Plus Oda seems hellbent on not revealing anything about who her mother is, what happened to her, how Kaido met her, why Kaido had a daughter with her etc.

I also thought Kaido would originally turn out to be a chimeran experiment too, hence the scales and making him the "worlds strongest creature" as the ultimate experiment of Vegapunk, a combination of various and especially the strongest races including fishmen (hence Kaido ruling over land, sea and air) and he would be the Mewtwo of One Piece as Marco the One Piece Theorist theorised in his video too.

I hope Oda gives her haki and lets her fight a VA at least, either Doll or Bluegrass but I don't want to get my hopes up too high with Oda and his treatment of female characters especially too. Just look what he did to Stussy after that massive random hype for her too, sigh.

I did joke Oda is saving the 2 strongest and best supernovas for last with Bonney and Urouge before and given how power creep tends to work, especially in Shonen and that Bonney has been solo for a long time now too and directly escaped the WG, Marines and thus Akainu, shes clearly extremely capable too.
( Although Oda didn't show how she ended up on Egghead after Reverie and why she was stuck in that water eddy thing and in her child form but I also suspect her child form is her true age/form too.)

I hope Oda hasn't forgotten Urouge and he's gonna be a beast as he truly deserves and show off some really cool new aspects of/uses for his fruit too, like Bonney has with hers and him definitely having haki, decent CoA at least ofc.

I also suspect Bonney has the Toki fruit, I mean Oda has been radio silent on what happened to Toki's Toki fruit (Toki Toki lol) and it would make sense for Bonney to have it imo. In the arc of "the future", the "future island", would this not be the PERFECT fruit to reappear here too?!

In Fairy Tail, a time magic specialist wizard/witch called Ultear used her magic to give the Fairy Tail peeps a massive power boost, to unlock their future potential, 2nd Origins or w/e and I expected Bonney would do something similar for the SHs to give them a free powerup too. This would be a GREAT way for Oda to show off the SHs older selves that he drew in the SBS without having to commit to it permanently, as the story is still going on and have them temporarily get stronger due to it? Well maybe not all SHs but the younger ones? Maybe the older ones can be de-aged?
My friend joked that de-aging Brook enough might return his body back somehow which would pretty awesome lmao.