Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
@Elder Lee Hung @TheKnightOfTheSea
Oda already showed us the Him and Himothy of the world government.

Both are future Luffy fights
Nah in all serious assigning a strength hierarchy to the Gorosei right now is dumb, they all have equal portrayal as Gorosei regardless of which of them fans perceive as being more X or less X than the others.

Is what you thought I was going to say

The disappointment comes from all the overhype.

Either way, even if Kizaru isn't out. What was the point of this chasing around type battle for 2-3 chapters? What did it achieve at all? We got a few hints that Bonney somehow matters to VegaPunk and that her past was connected to VP and Kizaru.

Even if they were all related to the god valley incident, I just don't see much point in all of this. We didn't see much going on. Even the pacifistas were switching sides doing a bit of damage here and there, but nothing more. Vice admirals were literal fodder this entire time.

I'd be more upset about the long chase that finally ended in the fly-swatting White Star-Gun.

Was there some foreshadowing I missed out on in these chapters?
The past 5 chapters could have been condensed into 1
Perhaps Oda is trying to get to a specific chapter number for some reason (1100?). Could that be? :luffywat:
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