Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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50% of what is posted by goatik (TAC) is fake.
and the other 50% is real

so its basically a cointoss

but most coins are weighted

so its really 51% real

even the best statistics are only 95% confidence, so expect a 5% margin of error,

so, we can assume 56%, which rounds up to 60%

60/40 = 1.2

means there is 1.2x more real leaks that fake leaks

multiply it by 1095(no of chapters) = 1314

there are infinite universes so, 1314 * =

/ (maximum # of universes)

means he is 100% right


I will never forgive Oda
I wonder, have we actually improved as a collective ever since jmena passed? It feels like we just forgot about it.
This community? Yes, but not enough. There's still users who dogpile Pew or other leakers for not operating on their time table, as if they're entitled to leaks. But it's not as bad as it used to be.
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