Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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All those you listed are fodder to any top tier. Ill only give you the Kizaru portrayal but nothing else.

So again, nothing he did so far suggests he can do what you are suggesting.
No top tier can defeat Sanji without attacking him

Kaido literally needed an attack to defeat Kinnemon
He can only aura diff literal fodder

How do you know Saturn can't straight up kill Kaido with his aura?
@Hanzo hattori @Tejas @DarkestKnightofSpoilers @nik87 @Fleet Leader Fenaker @Pringles @SkySanji @comrade

Just remembering that you don't need to be knocked out to necessarily be defeated Smoker vs Vergo is a great example of this.

Not only is Kaido a 1000 times more resilient, he outperforms Kizaru offensively and in terms of speed, blitzing the same G5 Luffy multiple times that caught up to Kizaru.

How is an admiral even beating base Kaido. No wonder Caramel said that Big Mom by nature is already fleet Admiral level and the best shield the Tenryuubito would have.
Yeah, because he did not manged to even hit him clearly before he run out :milaugh:

Luffy straight up told he wanted to stop Kizaru and needed all G5 to do that.
Let be serious if luffy did not need G5 for Kizaru something would have been serious wrong vs fastest man in the world.
Even more so with this fight being cat and mouse , Oda does say fucking power scaling sometimes but not that degree .
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