Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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Nah Kizaru and luffy not fighting any more .
The whole reason why they fight gone and Kizaru job is over now that Saturn is here.
Saturn has taken control of the PX and will try kill VP him self , luffy now has worry about Saturn over Kizaru .
Yeah, now that Luffy is KO and the Robot is not there.

When both things change, he'll order Kizaru to.
Stop this weird ass Yonko vs Admiral debate already
Both are relatively and both groups are WEAK AS SHIT

You have trash ass Emperor like Luffy lying down like a sack of shit
And you have trash ass Admiral Kizaru acting like a little bitch to his daddy Gorosei

Gorosei and Imu are >>>>> Yonko and Admirals
These "Top tiers" will look like Yonko commanders very soon
Wait you saying Admirals =YC level debatte is back :snoopy:
And whats your point? Also whats with this Aura bullshit? It can well be part of his powerset to make peoples heads explode, but he somehow couldnt to Sanji and Bonney.

Like seriously you said he defeated Sanji, I told you he didnt and now you're moving goal poasts.
Sanji is not defeated obviously. The Sanji haters take everything, and with everything I really mean EVERYTHING to shit on him. I think some other character which I will not say who, would have been stopped by Saturn power too, but they are childish and take even a little grain of sand to shit on a fictional character.
Stop this weird ass Yonko vs Admiral debate already
Both are relatively and both groups are WEAK AS SHIT

You have trash ass Emperor like Luffy lying down like a sack of shit
And you have trash ass Admiral Kizaru acting like a little bitch to his daddy Gorosei

Gorosei and Imu are >>>>> Yonko and Admirals
These "Top tiers" will look like Yonko commanders very soon
You know that Emperor Luffy is going to defeat Saturn right?
BTW nice try trying to force Yonko = AdmiraLs when it's clearly disproved
Btw I never want to hear anything about Zoro fans taking stupid ideas and running with them as if we are the only ones who do this shit alright? No Sanji-stan gets to talk shit about ZKK anymore after they somehow thought their Number 4 was gonna do shit against Saturn.

And for the record? At least Zoro actually fought Kaido and scared him. Sanji got neg-diffed worse than Kid did by Saturn.

Also, if Jinbei somehow does not fold like a lawn chair upon seeing Saturn like Sanji did? Number 4 might not just be a gag after all...



Lead them to paradise.
@Elder Lee Hung @Kurozumi Wiwi @EmperorKinyagi

Yonkotards really think that Kizaru was going all out and that one attack from Luffy defeated him.:kobeha:

Kizaru is obviously holding back massively, can you imagine once he has permission to go all out.:crazwhat:
Hes had the permission to go all out all this time, he just wasnt because he didnt really wanna kill VP it seems.

And lets not act like Luffy was actively trying to defeat Kizaru as well.


Kitetsu Wanker
nah I mean the gorosei not in this arc but in the future one who will face the other 4 gorosei (if Saturn fall here vs nika Nika)
EthanBaron is Zoro's.
Luffy wont face others because he will face Saturn here.
The 3 are left to be spread among Revolutionaries, probably Dragon and the other two might go to some strong allies.
Pretty sure Sanji wont fight them if he gets higher involvement here vs Saturn with Luffy.
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