Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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Lead them to paradise.
I think he mid diffs Shanks
No way.

Mihawk is disappointed at how weak Shanks is and how he has no challenge
First of all, Mihawk never called Shanks weak and not a challenge. He merely said that he will not challenge a 1 armed has been. This can relate back to his code of honor where he feels fighting a crippled man is dishonorable. They both had equal duels for years up. They have had relative portrayal through the story.

But if they are indeed relative then I will say Gorosei stomps Mihawk too
I think you are overreacting with this Gorosei shit ngl.

Mihawk is our only hope at this point
Hope about what?
If only all Ls could involve an "unable" Emperor as an after-effect!
Sadly, this is not the case.

Trolling aside, I am quite happy since I want a real fight between Kizaru and Luffy; not this.
Don't get me wrong, I would've loved a 1vs1 drawn out fight against Kizaru, but this also makes sense to me if it means we get Luffy vs Saturn. It's consistent with Kaido being strongest, and Luffy beating Kaido.
We all know why he work was slower than usual this time was because of luffy .
Even last chapter , Saturn did not expect VP to still be alive .
That why we had this 3 chpaters half ass cat and mouse chase for and now add them out plot from it .
No....shit? Thats exactly the point. He has multiple tasks and he isnt really even fighting Luffy lmao
Both Yankers and AdmiralLatrines are equally bad lmaooooo

Knowing damn well ya'll champions are nothing but little pawns in the big picture, yet continue to wank them

Where as anyone who is neutral and not biased knows damn well Gorosei and Imu stomps

Keep fighting among each other for who the stronger fodder is..an Admiral or a Yonko.
Who cares? We powerscaling by apologies now lol? Yonko fans are truly the apes dude I swear lmfao.

It speaks volumes to how stupid you people are that Kaido getting KO’d by 4 scabbards is fine but Kizaru apologizing for not killing Vegapunk is somehow a comment on power level? Lol
It's over, you guys owe us an apology for even daring to waste our time with your nonsense
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