Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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"Zoro is near Luffy "
"Zoro will always be equal to Luffy because see 20 years ago clash "

Luffy :
  • Can exhuats an admiral without using named attacks and adhaki
  • Can end an admiral in 1 blow with adcoc
  • Can end Lucci in 3 moves (no adhaki)

While Zoro can't low diff Lucci
I was once known as kuroashi sanjino. I was so fast but one day I was so fool to try to fight agaisnt one of the gorosei and he stare diff me and caused me a bleed brain. That was the end of my pirate career and the ladies:parkcry::parkcry::parkcry:
@General MonsterZoro @Boiroy
they don't have wheel chairs in one piece

That picture reminds me of Ryuto from History's Strongest Disciple.
the guy could still walk and unleash all his power but was overexerted

Sasaki Kojirō

I will say it again, Kaido is not the strongest character of this verse. Roger and Primebeard are confirmed stronger than him and no, I'm not upset about Saturn at all, he was a freaking beast after all lmao.
Whitebeard and who? Unfortunately, King disagrees with you.

Kaido himself only sees them as capable of fighting against him. Even Whitebeard avoided fighting Kaido in Wano, and Whitebeard is equal to Roger... Oda isn't showing respect to Roger and Whitebeard when he chooses to elevate Kaido as the embodiment of strength, something Roger is not, and has King tell Kaido to continue being the strongest there is.
I'm not upset about Saturn at all, he was a freaking beast after all lmao.
Yes, a beast for catching someone of Bonney's caliber using his awakened form. LMAO.


Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
I received this mail from Kiniyagi

Subject: Apology for Any Misunderstandings and Doubts

Dear GUI, Erkan12, ShishiolsBack, Fleet Leader Fenaker, Ha01 clown, Kervorkian, Pringles, Boiroy, Redboy76, MonsterKaido, Shiroyu, Jaguark101, RebelliousSoma, gz89, Hako Sama, aneurysm, Toby D. Dog, SassySquatch, SkySanji, Tejas, Kurohime, ShinichiMugi, BAAM26, wrongidea, Adamxero, IzaiSempi, Logiko, GangOruka, Milluko, ZoroFan23, Mathias, Thunderbolt, Indigo, Roo, and Levi,

I hope this message finds you in good spirits. I am writing to express my sincere apologies for any doubts or misunderstandings that may have arisen involving you. It has come to our attention that there were erroneous doubts cast on some of you, and we deeply regret any harm or discomfort this may have caused.

We understand the importance of trust and transparency in our community, and we acknowledge that our actions did not align with these values. We apologize for any distress you may have experienced as a result of these doubts.

Rest assured, we are actively taking steps to rectify this situation and ensure that such misunderstandings do not happen again in the future. We are committed to fostering an environment where every user is treated with respect and fairness.

If there is anything specific you would like to discuss or if you have further concerns regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Your feedback is essential in helping us improve and avoid such situations in the future.

Once again, we extend our heartfelt apologies for any undue stress or doubts you may have encountered. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to make amends and regain your trust.

Thank you for your continued support and for being a part of our community. We value your presence and contributions, and we are dedicated to making your experience better.

and me? you forgot me again:beckmoji: @EmperorKinyagi


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
Don't worry guys. Luffy will take care of Saturn, and Zoro will step in to finish off Kizaru...... Now that he can't move... :ihaha:
Don't be annoying.

Me arguing that Saturn is the main antagonist of Egghead isn't a Zoro vs Borsalino thing.

I do want Zoro to fight Borsalino, but completely separate from who Zoro is fighting, the last two chapters especially just seem to me like the story is developing Saturn as the big bad of the arc.

Like that's just how the arc is shaping up.

And no big bad has ever fallen to someone that isn't Luffy.
Those guys won't surpass kaido
Only Luffy and Teach will surpass kaido, wb and Roger at eos
Maybe sabo Too

There's no wg member above the strongest pirates bar Imu
And guess who's potentially gonna fight Sabo in final arc? Maybe one of Imu's strongest guards?

Again, this entire topic will end if Saturn gets defeated this arc but if not, then all Gorosei will only be defeated at the end of this manga.
Why would I not be ?

A restrained and conflicted Admiral equalling all out Yonkou Luffy.

I can live with this lmao. Everyone can throw away their Kizaru stocks, they will beg to get them back soon.
What are your thoughts HQ?
The way Saturn talks to Kizaru "Your unusually slow" seems kinda like ,Saturn is well aware he is "superior" to Kizaru ,almost like he complains a bit about Kizarus performance
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