Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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That really don't matter .
Sanji get used as a hype tool in PH and DR .
Still come wano he fight number 2 like usual and Zoro even after fighting Kaido for while fight number 1 for crew like usual .
Sanji won't have his own mihawk but once they fight a group he will fight around the same level opponent in the end as Zoro
That has not change in 1000 plus chapters and won't chnage either .
Either Zoro faces Mihawk or he fights Gorosei. Oda won't dedicate two entire battles to Zoro in the final war
Nika (joyboy) was a giant....buccaneer have giants blood in them and pass down the nika traditional dances and tales

Buccaneer are huge and physically strong because of giant blood in them

Roger befriends WB (who might be buccaneer)
Dragon befriend Kuma
Luffy befriends ? ...Ussop?

So we can sat most tall humans who are above 4m have giants dna?
No humans can be that tall in OP if they don't have giants dna or are like BM (exceptions)
Only giants, buccaneer and other races tend to be this tall

Except BM who's an anormaly (And her kids who have her genes, plus are also mixed breeds)
Nah, I think Saturn is definitely finished here.
If Saturn isn't getting defeated, Oda wouldn't show his Powers & hype him.
This is his arc, his flashback is tied to Kuma's flashback & we're getting it.

He's like the Imu version of what Vergo was to Doffy or Satori was to Enel.
The first subordinate of Imu that we meet who will be defeated in that arc itself.

I'm saying Power level wise he isn't relevant enough here, it's like place Marco here & he won't be able to move too.
He doesn't matter here. At best he will get some showings & then retreat, at worst he will fully be hypetooled.
Saturn is a beast I can't see him falling in this arc but why not? To be seen

It all depends on oda lol
He can have a good performance without making saturn bad at power.
Personally, given the scenario, I just think that sanji will move thanks to his passion when saturn goes or tries to kill bonney in front of his eyes or maybe wake up his coc? This is probably a good opportunity to do so.
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