Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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I just answerd the difference in closest enemy sanji and zoro had
King midd difs Queen & Zoro finished King without Asura while sanji had to use new Diable Jambe
Mr1 Low diffs Mr2
And i Explained Zoro 1 shot Kaku and his strongest attack after Asura Sanji 2 shot Jabra and got injured after by Jabras shigan after power up. Zoro Fights strongest Gorosei Sanji fights Kizaru.
None of that change they were part of the same group .
No matter how hard or differnt the king and queen fight was it was still number 1 zoro face and number 2 sanji face of the same group or pirate crew.
The same with kaku and Jabra both part of CP9 and i can go threw whole manga for this.
Him being conflicted reduces his fucking reactivity and actual performance with his powers yes.

Read what? Im reading actual fucking dialogue specifying that Kizaru is being "UNUSUALLY SLOW TODAY" but Im my entire point is bullshit?


No he told Saturn he wasnt going to IGNORE Sentoumaru.
Learn to "READ" bro:

"Fly over over him"


Once again, someone doesnt read.

"Please dont make me hurt more people I know"

The POINT being made is Kizaru is going soft on his old "friends" and is distracted.

He calls out his attack to Sentoumaru so he can block. He doesnt kick Bonney, he taps her head. He doesnt immediately kill VP, he talks and misses his shots.

What are you actually not getting.

Saturn: "Your work is unusually slow this time"

Dumbass conversation
All bullshit
Your panels proved the point. Saturn told him he could FLY over sentomaru as in not having to even engage with him. Kizaru decided to talk and work things out when all he had to do was run past him.

Saturn also told kizaru to ignore Bonney. He has the choice to simply ignore her. None of them had the speed to stop him period. The panels you showed proves it. There was 0 reason for kizaru to physical engage Bonney or sentomaru.

He was not order to do so. He wasn't even ordered to hurt any of them.

To add this panel also proves that it was Lucci that sent them the info on everything including the weakness of gear 5 which gives kizaru the idea to make luffy run out of steam by constantly avoiding luffy lol
At the end of the day Sanji has yet to use ifrit or be KO’d by the strongest fighter on the island

Meanwhile his crew member is going all out and still cant damage a mere commander level character

Sanji and Luffy are indeed the strongest two strawhats like I’ve been saying for years now
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