Kizaru's speed is nothing to fucking sneeze at. If Kizaru is the peak of speed it's no wonder he took Luffy to exhaustion. Luffys been exerting himself to match Kizaru's speed this entire time, and Kizarus performance lends credence to the idea he's the fastest in verse. Kizaru however, hasn't gotten in nearly enough damage to really matter as the damage he's done is dwarfed by the beating Kaido served up. And as we saw from todays spoils, a single unblocked hit from Luffy is a serious problem for Kizaru(he isn't a genetic freak after all).
If Luffy can restart his heart beat to solve the stamina problem (maybe the drums help him out when he's doin a liberation), he'll just dog Kizaru and I'll chalk this down to a high-diff because of Kizaru's endgame speed gimmick. I think he can take at least 5 hits, but if he were to get caught in a gattling...