General & Others Kizaru vs Luffy: An Agendaless View

The copers calling this a draw because Kizaru ran away from Luffy and exhausted him because of that, do you realize how stupid that is in the first place?

If my enemy runs away from me and goes after weaker people, then I run after him again and again until I manage to hit him so he stops doing that, I win, regardless if I fall to the ground right after and had to make a big effort to catch him up.

You don't understand shit to what is going on and you call this a draw because they are both on the ground. This has never been a boxing fight in the first place. Kizaru has been running away from Luffy at light speed all the time and Luffy managed to catch him up and hit him with one single punch, to incapacitate him for a bit. Luffy won this round.
It's even worse Luffy kept that form because movement wise it's the only one able to keep UP with Kizaru's speed
If Luffy didn't have to protect VP he wouldn't need it continuously (as long as he use CoC)
It matters a lot lmao, putting an Admiral down in a single hit is ridiculous hype for Luffy and Yonko in general.
It took his entire Gear 5 run to land that single hit, and it wasn't for lack of effort.

An agenda means jumping to a conclusion, and I'm not gonna do that. That will lead you to some implication like "oh, he can one shot an admiral so when he gets up he's giving that uncle da bizness." Not at all lol
It took his entire Gear 5 run to land that single hit, and it wasn't for lack of effort.

Agenda means jumping ti a conclusion, and I'm not gonna do that. That will lead you to some implication like "oh, he can one shot an admiral so when he gets up he's giving that uncle da bizness." Not at all lol
G5 lasts a few minutes, it's not this big deal you think it is, especially when Luffy's having to chase light speed man all over the place and continuously protect Vegapunk, even eating attacks aimed at Vegapunk to protect him lmao.

Ignoring reality will lead you to saying Luffy didn't one shot Kizaru when that's literally what the manga shows, unless you can show me some other attack he landed on Kizaru?
G5 lasts a few minutes, it's not this big deal you think it is, especially when Luffy's having to chase light speed man all over the place and continuously protect Vegapunk, even eating attacks aimed at Vegapunk to protect him lmao.

Ignoring reality will lead you to saying Luffy didn't one shot Kizaru when that's literally what the manga shows, unless you can show me some other attack he landed on Kizaru?
For one thing, it's clear they were going at it off panel and again because I'm not sitting here with an agenda, I'm not gonna make shit up one way or the other about what we didn't see.

I'm not sure what you mean by making something a big deal. Running out of steam? I mean that's pretty significant because even a guy with no Haki like Franky has to protect him from getting squished, as he has zero defensive abilities right now. Kizaru got caught and aside from the power of his allies would be in the same boat, sure.

But then again, being able to talk might mean he's got a little more together right now than Luffy. This really is a neutral situation at best for Luffy.
For one thing, it's clear they were going at it off panel and again because I'm not sitting here with an agenda, I'm not gonna make shit up one way or the other about what we didn't see.

I'm not sure what you mean by making something a big deal. Running out of steam? I mean that's pretty significant because even a guy with no Haki like Franky has to protect him from getting squished, as he has zero defensive abilities right now. Kizaru got caught and aside from the power of his allies would be in the same boat, sure.

But then again, being able to talk might mean he's got a little more together right now than Luffy. This really is a neutral situation at best for Luffy.
So if you're not going to make up shit about what we didn't see then go by what we did see, which is Luffy putting Kizaru down with one attack, it's pretty simple.

It's a big deal for Luffy, it's not a big deal for Kizaru, it has nothing to do with Kizaru, Luffy gassing out from his own few minute long time limit is his own problem, not one Kizaru created.

It's a neutral situation in terms of their fight's outcome, what's not neutral is the fact that Luffy put Kizaru down with one attack and then only went down himself because of his own weakness, again, as I said before, the fight is practically a draw in terms of the outcome, but how that outcome came about is a huge W for Luffy and a huge L for Kizaru.
Kizaru held back heavily while Luffy was going all out. Luffy is out cold while Kizaru is just dizzy (star attack) and out momentarily for the sake of the plot.

Its clear who took the bigger L in this exchange, especially if we talk about the Yonko who defeated the Yonko with the biggest ceiling amongst pirates.
It remains a fact that Luffy used every single power in his arsenal while Kizaru was barely trying to fight him.

The peak of his power + aCoC + Haki flames + he used FS alongside Snakeman before that.

Luffy factually used all he's got while we don't know whether Kizaru did. You must be incredibly biased if you think Kizaru was close to going all out.
Imagin this scenario. Luffy is facing Franky and Usopp. He goes G5 because Oda likes to draw funny fights.
He grabs Franky and throws him away but Franky is part cyborg so it doesn't do much damage and thanks to coup de vent he doesn't fall in the sea. Meanwhile Usopp created a few plants that Luffy destroys with one kick.
Franky comes back and shoot a laser at Luffy that does zero damage.
Franky and Usopp then run away but Luffy catches up, then Franky does one more laser attack that Luffy dodges easily. Then he throws a punch coated with CoC and proceeds to one shot both of them. Then G5 turns off and Luffy becomes a grandpa.

What diff was that? Fucking low diff
Luffy low diffed Kizaru, objectively.
If Luffy uses G5 against Buggy, he would end up in the same state, if he uses it against Spandam, he would end up in the same state. It's not the opponent that will change that. Kizaru and Lucci aren't the same level yet Luffy ended in the same state
It remains a fact that Luffy used every single power in his arsenal while Kizaru was barely trying to fight him.

The peak of his power + aCoC + Haki flames + he used FS alongside Snakeman before that.

Luffy factually used all he's got while we don't know whether Kizaru did. You must be incredibly biased if you think Kizaru was close to going all out.
I think you have your answer.
The Luffy/Yonko fans did not expect Luffy to be completely helpless after using G5 and only landing one hit on Kizaru. Because ODA decided to exhaust him for narrative / plot reasons. Wtf is hard to understand? He did much better vs Kaido with more damage.

At the end of last chapter, Luffy fans were arguing that Luffy would just restart the beat like he did against Kaido and Kizaru fans were saying that he will get back and he is still in troll mode. The result though was that Luffy had to be saved by Franky, whereas Kizaru can talk but cant move and get up. - Why bring up your embarassing admiral cope if this is meant to be agendaless?
Again using the misnomer "Yonko fans". There is hardly any user that will like all yonkos or even multiple ones, at most a single one of them. The expression just reveals putrid LadmiraL hatred and cope.

None of the Yonkos are one-dimensional enough to fit into a group, unlike the admirals which you can lump together. I see Shanks as a swordsman not as Yonko. Luffy is MC. BlackBeard is technically the anit-hero / hero-villain. Buggy is there for comic relief.

My only fanbase is Sabo. Sabo >>>>>>>>>>>> every other fandom. I mean Imu is strong, any Imu fans have a tiny chance. A tiny one though.

But despite having said all this I will get rabbid admirals falsely categorizing me and others just because they see things differently. And it's usually admirals or angry Zoro/Sanji fans. I still feel sorry for Sanji btw, that was really unfair.

I thought title said:

Kizaru vs Luffy: An Agendaless View
It's not. Instead it comes across as an admiral fan offering a draw when they lost the fight.

Enough with the downplay. Kizaru got one shot like a pathetic little fly. Luffy won. If Saturn wasn't there then the rest of the SHP could have fought and finished off the fodder marines + VA. Worst case scenario it would be dragged out fights with the other SHP vs VAs. But this would have only happened if the admiral fantasies about Saturn being a nobody would have been real, which they are not.

Luffy got exhausted before like this vs Kaido, then restarted his heart. Oda decided to take Luffy out for a moment and develop other plot elements instead of only focusing on Luffy. Now rabbid admiral fanboys desperately grasp at straws.

Against Doffy, Luffy had to run around for a while to recover. Law took over. Question is who is taking over at Egghead until Luffy recovers, or rather is someone fighting Saturn instead of Luffy?

Kuma could stall for time. But then someone else still needs to continue after.
Sabo is uncertain to arrive on time.
Zoro is likely lost somewhere on the island IF he finished his fight. Oda is really dragging it.
Sanji can't move, neither can most of the SHP.
Franky has a chance to shine as it seems Saturn can't affect his robot parts for some reason.

If LadmiraLs were wrong before they will be wrong now. I called it from the start that Saturn joins the fight and is stronger than Kizaru, which he clearly is.

Current powerlevels until further information revealed, note I predicted this and was right all along:
Imu > Gorosei > Holy Knights > Deskainu > Admirals
Yes Akainu is the strongest admiral and yes he might be very dangerous because he could potentially melt rubber even with haki. Luffy needs to figure out the full extent of his powers or else face dire consequences.
It remains a fact that Luffy used every single power in his arsenal while Kizaru was barely trying to fight him.

The peak of his power + aCoC + Haki flames + he used FS alongside Snakeman before that.

Luffy factually used all he's got while we don't know whether Kizaru did. You must be incredibly biased if you think Kizaru was close to going all out.
I see what you are saying and I agree with the message you are trying to convey but I disagree with you at multiple levels.

1. Luffy did indeed use his "peak form" Gear 5 but he did not use every single power in his arsenal. He did not use bajrang gun, which would have destroyed Kizaru in 1 shot. Also, Bajrang gun is the strongest attack from Luffy so far, he will come up with stronger attacks in the future so no, this is not every single power in his arsenal. So no, Luffy did not "factually" use all he's got.

2. We indeed don't know Kizaru's full arsenal but don't put your expectations too high. If Kizaru's arsenal was that high, he would have used it from the start to get rid of the nuisance that Luffy is, so he can focus on his mission. The attacks that Kizaru used in his fight against Luffy already reflect his arsenal, an arsenal that allows him to keep up against Nika, until Nika manages to catch him and one shot him. So based on that, Kizaru's arsenal can't be as big as you think it is. He may still have something under his sleeve but don't put your expectations too high.

3. This chapter has made it clear that Saturn was the real villain of this arc. I don't even believe that Kizaru will definitely face Luffy after this. Whatever happens, Nika is going to defeat Saturn, like this chapter has shown and Saturn is a stronger opponent than Kizaru. This is already making it clear that Luffy did not use his full arsenal against Kizaru as a bigger threat is awaiting him.