Who receives the official MVP?

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Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round, for today, you bear witness to the one, the only, the undisputed champion of the cyber-arena, yours truly - the First Poster in this game thread. Yes, I know what you're all thinking, and yes, it's true: I did it first and the posts before mine do not count, and yes I did it best. It's truly a privilege to address you all, and I must say, it's about time someone of my intellectual prowess graced this thread with their presence.

You see, my friends, I have done what no one else could do: I pressed that "Post" button before anyone else even had a chance to finish typing. As I reveled in this glorious victory, I couldn't help but chuckle at the mere mortals scrambling to respond, like ants in a futile attempt to challenge my supremacy.

Now, before you all go on about how this is just an internet forum game, and it's all in good fun, allow me to revel in the glory of my unparalleled achievement. As I bask in the virtual spotlight, I want to extend my gratitude to you, my adoring fans. It's not easy being this amazing, but hey, someone's gotta do it.

You see, when the rest of you were still pondering the meaning of life or deciding what to have for lunch, I was already here, crafting a post that would set the standard for all to follow. The greatness of my wit and wisdom cannot be contained within the ordinary limits of this digital realm. No, my friends, I've transcended those limits.

I understand that some of you may be jealous of my unparalleled quick-fingered skills. But fear not; I've honed these lightning-fast reflexes with hours of practice and an IQ that soars beyond the stratosphere. I've not only set the bar but rocketed it into the cosmos, and there's no coming back down for the rest of you.

As you sit there, composing your responses, know that I've already won. You see, I'm not just a trailblazer; I'm a pioneer, a maestro of first posts. And as you, my dear forum companions, labor over your words and ponder your second-place status, I bask in the glory of knowing I've outshone you all.

Some might say that first isn't always the best, but when it comes to game thread posting, I beg to differ. You're all just trying to catch up to the master, the pioneer, the trendsetter - me. The rest of you are mere mortals, while I am the digital deity gracing you with my presence.

So, as you scramble to compose your replies, remember that you are but humble supplicants in the court of the First Poster. Take your time, think carefully, and perhaps one day, you may approach my level of excellence. Until then, my dear forum-dwellers, I'll be right here, reigning supreme and enjoying the fruits of my unassailable superiority.

In the grand scheme of things, being first in a forum game thread may not earn me a medal or a Nobel Prize, but it certainly does cement my position as the master of this digital domain. So, my fellow forum dwellers, take a moment to bow in the presence of greatness and marvel at the awe-inspiring poster that is, well, me. For in this forum, I reign supreme, and that is something you shall never forget!
tldr, I wrote this over the course of a week with several edits.
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