Who receives the official MVP?

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Ultra flipping town = worst news
Seatonnes flipping town = getting rid of a lazy town player.

Only one of these two players has offered any real scum tells either.
Only one of these two players will be killed by mafia if they are town.....
Him flipping Town definitely isn't the worst news. Also if he is he'll come back to defend himself anyway. Idk why you're hard defending him when he offered nothing aside from a wagon on your...Town reads (Polar and Orca) so far. If you think they're Town and Ultra is such a good scum hunter shouldn't that...raise some flags for you, actually?
I know exactly why, and I don't think he is town but also there's a tiny possibility I am wrong, and like I said, he is not here.
lynching you, Ultra, Ratchet or Hayumi on Day 1 for me is just crazy talk, based on all four of your abilities as player. Unless you were to major slip. Pissing in the wind, is the only reason Ultra has been pushed on
Ultra is being fear lynched in case they are mafia, without any reasons why they are mafia.
Need Ratchet's take on this as he's got a better read on players like him but I'd say this is a solid assessment

However, the way Ultra plays as scum is 50/50 for most. I *think* I've grasped some scumtells, but with five hours left I can't really catch him in the act on how he's gonna react to the pressure.
I can under fear based lynches on players that are wild cards as they're the ones that are given the strongest opportunity to deepwolf, further cementing themselves in the thread.

Did someone do an ISO on this bipolar simping crab carrying womb eniver? Lately

Could help us point to why he's pinging people's gut instincts

Red Night

Chise and Joseph
Ultra didn't simp for me
-69 points

Also, interesting catch
There's two things that might be occuring in this case:
Entertainment used as a previous reason is just lazy wagon building
Decided (eerily so) serious voting was better toward end phase but lol

Not sure why someone wouldn't have any interest to scumhunt and go hard throughout, since you're causing yourself pressure to properly analyze players later on

Not that I'm sure about you, just that these are my 2cs

Would you say they're fair or do you have a different take?
I already have exposed my views on him. I made a post yesterday about my reads.

Also @MangoSenpai, I thought you were talking about flavor, but you were currently talking about Fate. My bad.
Him flipping Town definitely isn't the worst news. Also if he is he'll come back to defend himself anyway. Idk why you're hard defending him when he offered nothing aside from a wagon on your...Town reads (Polar and Orca) so far. If you think they're Town and Ultra is such a good scum hunter shouldn't that...raise some flags for you, actually?
I have since stated through interactions directly with Orca, that maybe Im wrong about them.

Me and Ultra arent amigos at all. But lets be real. Dude is a fucking S+ Tier Mafia player.
im just not going to be here for EoD - and I've already made a fairly comprehensive case on Seatonnes that they have only validated themselves that a more known player would be instant wagoned. I need someone else to lead.

I'm taking it you're going to give me the Nipple treatment and not quote your case and have me look at it?

Red Night

Chise and Joseph
I already have exposed my views on him. I made a post yesterday about my reads.

Also @MangoSenpai, I thought you were talking about flavor, but you were currently talking about Fate. My bad.
@Dr. Watson
Oh my god

Please quote them then??? I have to catch up in this stupid time frame, I need someone to do a moderate amount of lifting
I initally wanted to insert the reads in my answer,

Ultra. I'm not too sure to think about him. I know he is strong. I don't feel the same thing I felt the last time I played against him during the ATLA game. He seems less active which could lead me to think he's not scum like last time but strong players are hard to read when you don't know their habits. I would say null at the moment.

Ekkologix. He was defending me when I was against Flower. Maybe it's to better kill me later, I don't know. Seems like he was just trying to have fun by using the ChatGPT. The whole Flower/Ekkologix might be just TvT after all. I would say null with some town tints.

Hayumi. I would say scum leaning since she said there could be one scum between me and Naomi. She went for Orca who I town read. I felt like she was waiting for Flower to answer Naomi is town, so it could give her some credibility to lynch me later and turn the narrative in her sense.

Kiku. I'm not sure about her/him(?| I will say they now if I'm not sure about the gender), but I've a similar impression that with Hayumi, she seems to be in the background to comfort Flower and Naomi in their initial push in the objective to lead them to a mislynch in the future.

AM. He sent mostly nothing and his rare posts were useless. I will wait for more in the future. Null.

T-Pein. I think I've never seen T-Pein being serious during my whole time on WG. I'm not sure how to read them. Yesterday, they went to my "rescue" by going for Reloaded when this one wanted me to claim in early phases. Now they are asking who we are voting today, I fear it's a manner to reject the responsibility on case of we mislynch someone today. Null but I'll keep an eye on him.

Indigo. Mostly fluff posting. He voted to lynch me Yesterday and it was the only time in the game he developped any excuse to lynch someone. He could be among the persons using the wagon on me to direct a free mislynch on me. I would say null with a slight of scum lean.

Seatonnes. He went for me by following the others' wagon on me and after revealed he done it for entertainment. If was lynched on this, I would really have been pissed off. Scum leaning. Maybe it will change if he shows more seriousness.

Sallucion. Didn't even know the guy was here. Null for the moment.

Mango. I remember he went for Reloaded in early game. His latest messages were more constructive. He also talked flavor, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing to deduct things from the lore in a game with the current rules. Null.

HeWhoHasNoEqual. Who I will call Hew starting from now. He seemed to be confident in his poorly numbered messages. Does anyone know him? Are we sure he's not a troll?

Naomi. I was in a cold situation with her yesterday. Now it was mostly due to the other situation with Flower. I asked her why she was trusting this much Flower, and she said it was thanks to her past experiences with Flower, which seems legit. The only thing I could tell about this is that she's not explaining enough how she was hinted to think Flower is looking town thanks to the past experiences with her. Since I think Naomi seems to be way too much visible by the the whole cast to be a scum. I still have doubt. Null with slight town vibes.

Luka. He was also in conflict with Flower. He argued with them but I'm not sure it was leading to anything good for the town. Null.

Retro. She's sharing some ISO and vote counts like during the recent game on OLF where she was scum but she didn't give enough yet and I don't know how she's playing most of the time. Null.

Orwellian. A difficult case. He went against Flower who went against me but I went against her too, but I'll developp about Flower later. He reminds me the game I just had on OLF where he was townie, he looks similar, he tries hard against everybody and lost his whole time disputing with another user. He also thinks Reloaded's action from yesterday is strange about asking me to claim. But we're coming for Reloaded just after. Town leaning.

Reloaded. Reloaded's behavior from yesterday gave me a strange feeling. He didn't hesitate to vote lynch me after Flower and Naomi did. He after followed Flower when she requested me to claim. Orwellian said him it was looking bad to push someone to claim Day 1 when the someone in question doesn't have so much pressure on him. He also was kind of "offering" me to leave me alone if I claim. It was really weird. Scum leaning.

Ratchet. Ratchet seems to be close to Flower. Probably another person who plays with Flower since a long time. He was mostly talking about mafia in theory and how people are usually playing. Null but if he shows us more useful posts about his reads on players, I could see him as town leaning.

The Orca. I think Orca is townie. He has central part in the game like during the ATLA despite being staying discret. He's managing the pressure and proceeds to confront the people voting him.

CakeWalker. I don't know what to think about CakeWalker. He theorised that Naomi could pocket Flower which I don't think. If there was any pocketting between the two, I think Flower would be the one pocketting, she seems the more détermined of the two. Cake also shares my worries about Seatonnes. So I'm waiting for Seatonnes to react about our questions to see how Cake will do later. Null with town lean.

Flower. Ô Flower ! I think the whole episode around her and me was just bullshit. I was mostly pissed off about her reaction to my "teasing joke" and I can conceed it was misplaced. I went on her after this because I was thinking about the link between Flower and Naomi and really thought it could lead me to something, but seems it won't. And same thing that for Naomi, she seems to be too much on the front to be scum. Town leaning.

Michelle. This one didn't give me a big impression but I don't think she might be scum. She went after me a bit but she didn't have any hostility I think and wanted me to be more clear. Null but could turn in my town reads in a near future.

Conclusion. I don't think we should go for Flower and the big heads of the show. The scums might hide between the shadows of the most active players. Be attentive to who's following the wagons discretly.
here :
lynching you, Ultra, Ratchet or Hayumi on Day 1 for me is just crazy talk, based on all four of your abilities as player. Unless you were to major slip. Pissing in the wind, is the only reason Ultra has been pushed on
He started late, caught up and shared a town read on Luka based on activity (later said he only looked at post count, but maybe that was for a second catch up), a scum read I forgot on whom, ignored everyone else, after implied Ekko should be town iirc, and pushed Polar, Orca, and never had a real towny vibe - that's only from memory, if I Iso I can add things, but I don't have time because it's Sunday for me as well.
His entrance seemed like scum trying to put his feet into the game, and of course an air headed town can do that, but I accused him of being scum since then and his answer was bland and avoiding discussions.
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