I mean the thing is Lookout is the best possible route left for the SHs, there's no more in your face great role and Carrot is the ideal candidate for it.
It's literally a case where people have a better story alternative than Oda, like yes the next role should be lookout, spyglass pirates spotting islands is a classic in fantasy/literature.
It's literally a case where people have a better story alternative than Oda, like yes the next role should be lookout, spyglass pirates spotting islands is a classic in fantasy/literature.
A role Luffy has an ideal version of it when he told Robin she should be more excited to see an island
Probably one of the most well known roles when it comes to pirate media also the only one that really
makes sense on the SH crew without stretching (sake brewer + log writer lmao)
Carrot being the perfect embodiment of the role with her personality as she'd be more than excited to see new islands
Physical mink traits enhance her lookout abilities making them better than the other crewmembers much like Jinbe
Her Mentor and main motivator was also a lookout as shown in Zou and WCI, she even took over for him during the latter arc
Straw Hats almost got wiped out during Egghead because they didn't have someone keeping watch while Luffy flew away
Oh yea we're cookin rn