Chapter Discussion According to Viz. Kizaru wont be mobile any time soon.

Guys it's not over yet!! Kizaru will stand up and fight. Oda already gave subtle hints Kizaru will betray Saturn! Round 2 is Kizaru helping Luffy.

Kizaru and York are opposites! Check this out:
- Kizaru can move his hands, York can not.
- Kizaru feels sorry for not helping more. York cries for help.
- Kizaru is content with what the WG offers him. York is a gluton.
- Kizaru has dark hair. York is blonde.
- Kizaru is male. York is female.

The crotches don't lie! Let's go admiral fans!

Check the clear hints here:

@AkainuTheGrimReaper @Akainu @SakazOuki @AmiralTensei @Kurozumi Wiwi @BlackLegFring @Blazing Lion @DarkWitch @Dragon777 @HA V NUS001 @haxxor @Hako Sama
@HellBlazer04 @Julius @kurwa @m0nst3Rx @MarineHQ @Monkey D Theories @Mr.Baj1o @Polishit @sensei @The White Crane @U c 4 up da idly @ZenZu @сука

I saved your sorry asses. Say thanks. You are welcome.

:finally: Thx for your hard work
The official translators have the chapter 7 days before its official release. The chapter translation is controlled several times by people in Japan and the people directly above the official translators to make sure that the translation convey the general idea.

So no, Stephen does not make his translation different out of a narcissist need to differentiate himself from others because his translations are done before the fan translators even started working. He also cannot translate the words as he please because he got people above him unlike the fan translators.

Speaking of that and outside any agenda, I really loved the "I'm seeing stars" translation, it was more fitting than "Oh this is bad!".

How many stars was Sengoku seeing? d:

Japanese is a very odd language. The exact same sentence can have different meanings/translations depending on the context.

There's nothing to misconstrue about いかん or こりゃあ, they are simple/common expressions and there's no kanji here. "I'm seeing stars" is very common to what Ace Attorney translations do to punch up dull dialogue or we'd read the same expressions over and over.

The official translators have the chapter 7 days before its official release. The chapter translation is controlled several times by people in Japan and the people directly above the official translators to make sure that the translation convey the general idea.

So no, Stephen does not make his translation different out of a narcissist need to differentiate himself from others because his translations are done before the fan translators even started working. He also cannot translate the words as he please because he got people above him unlike the fan translators.
For real this. People need to stop thinking VIZ has agenda. Either the translation is good or it sucks like in JJK, agenda or beef with fan translations has nothing to do with official translation. Stephen Paul couldn’t care less about making Admirals or Yonkos look better or worse, if he was adding bias then VIZ would probably fire his ass.
It’s crazy that obsessions have even led to translation scaling. Unless someone really screws up, the general sentiment of a phrase should be obvious.
Trying to become an expert in Japanese for the sake of powerscaling is something else.