Fanclub Kizaru saves his friends and finally follows his own dreams Fanclub


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
Kizaru is Rayleigh's son. That's why he went easy on Kizaru.
I've figured out the family tree

Garp and Rayleigh are Brothers

Garp gets with Gloriosa and gives.
Birth to Dragon

Rayleigh meanwhile has two kids with Shakky

Kizaru and Mihawk

Dragon then gets with Rogers younger sister which is why Luffy kinda resembles Roger because he resembles his sister

😌 all makes sense
This would actually be good writing but we know Lolda🙄
Don't fret, Monkey D. Kizaru can't stand up right now, but he can encourage Sanji through talk no jutsu to actually put up a fight.
By the time Kizaru finishes talking he is also half-recovered.

Kizaru and Sanji fight Saturn in epic kickmaster combo style! Saturn can't stare in two directions at once, so he has to go full spider cow transformation to gain his extra eyes.

Gorosei Informer

I'd unironically love this. I think the SHs should get an Admiral to join them as a parallel to Blackbeard and since Kuzan chose the BB pirates, that leaves only Kizaru and Fujitora ofc.
Green Bull is absolutely out of the question, him and Zoro would fight over who can be the most racist and have a greater rivalry than Zoro and Sanji. /s

I really would love to see Fujitora join but the SHs need a Logia and he obviously isn't one. Fuji would be great to stay in the Marines and reform them along with Smoker, Tashigi, Helmeppo, Koby, Drake etc. (I'm assuming the ones in Sword will be reinstated into the Marines, a new reformed, better version of the Marines that is more humanitarian by far and less corrupt etc with a new Fleet Admiral in charge, with Akainu inevitably gone eventually imo and possibly dead too.)

I cant see Fuji joining the SHs because hes a swordsman too, we have 2 swordsmen in the crew already and since Fujitora uses 1 sword like Brook, having them both in the crew is excessive imo plus too many swordsmen in general. I would have had Yamato join and have her actually using Odens swords, adopting his fighting style and thus being the 2 sword fighter er "Twin Swordsman/Double Swordsman" whatever of hte crew and you could argue she could also help Kuina accomplish her dream vicariously too. (Assuming you dont regard Yamato as male regardless, lets not argue about Yamatos gender please lol.)

But honestly, the SHs should get Yamato and thus a Yonko commander and child of a Yonko to join (Uta could have been a possibility if Oda didnt chicken out with her and just used her as shameless sales boosting/merch bait for horny weebs), Carrot and Kizaru, thus covering the need for both a new female member at least and also a Logia.
Kizaru could add another science element to the crew, even being the scientist of the crew, although I was hoping Lilith might join instead to be the scientist of the crew and a new female member too. She could bond with Franky and probably Chopper and Usopp too. Maybe even Sanji, well he certainly would try at least lmfao.

I've gone way off a tangent here but I'd love Kizaru to join, I'd love for him to be freed from his shackles of being a "corporate/government slave" and despite Oda drawing him "happy" as a child, he might still have a sad past at least, as we still ont know a LOT about him including why and how he joined the Marines and thus why he's so loyal to the WG too.

Oda has been implying if not also downright stating/showing Kizaru is against this and despite his role and authority, his responsibility as an Admiral, he can't bring himself to kill the people he adores and knows so well, despite the fact he's supposed to be a completely subservient killing machine with no emotions, an extremely powerful, obedient "dog soldier". (Like a certain red dog Fleet Admiral who took this to heart the most by far ofc). In a way Kizarus situation is not so different to Kumas and the Pacifistas. A killing machine raised to be a slave to higher authority, darkness (ironically for a light themed, bright man) and not allowed to question/resist/refuse/disobey/whatever orders and have hesitations, personal biases, allegiances, empathy, remorse, compassion etc.

I've suspected Kizaru was holding back against the SHs at Sabaody too, he was taking so long to charge his kick/laser against Zoro, when he should be the fastest character in the series regardless? Literal light powers? He didn't even kill anyone, unlike the most lethal character himself Akainu, who Kizaru is seemingly close with ironically ofc, but that might all be an act on his part too.

Kizaru being freed from being a prisoner of the WG who can't say no, can't rebel, can't fight back, can't disobey is something extremely poetic and beautiful imo. Luffy's whole thing is rescuing people, even though he claims hes not a hero and he just wants meat and to be pirate king. Hes so modest/humble, that he doesnt care about recognition for saving lives and freeing people, he just wants others to be as free as he is and Roger was and for others to be able to dream like he can, to live their dreams, to chase them and accomplish them like he wants to and is trying.

My favourite part of Luffy and One Piece's writing is how he liberates countries and people, how he saves the people who need help the most. The infamous scene of Nami begging for help against Arlong, Usopp, Nami, Robin , Chopper all desperately needing help but all the SHs even and also their allies like Vivi, Rebecca, Shirahoshi etc, its one of the most beautiful themes and its also something I loved about Bleach, Naruto, Fairy Tail etc.

If Oda actually does this storyline with Kizaru and has him join as a SH with Luffy rescuing him from his personal hell on earth, saving the light trapped within the infinite darkess of the WG< the black hole of corruption, I can no longer slander and complain about Oda anymore, I will be so happy, I will have to call myself Joy Boy too lmao.

I think Kizaru is a perfect fit for the crew too, hes hilarious, goofy, laidback, I can see him having hilarious chemistry with the SHs and bonding with Franky the most, but maybe someone laidback and thus calm and happy as Robin but also Luffy himself ofc. Kizaru saying, "well I'll be a monkey's uncle" would be the most hilarious and meta opportunity too.

There's this hilarious edit of a ton of different OP characters saving Luffys life along with Ace at Marineford and it's one of the most funniest and wholesome things I've ever seen, a ridiculous shitpost that actually has way more heart and soul than it probably should and maybe deserves too:
Even they believe in "Uncle Kizaru", the "Monkeys Uncle" too!

I was just reading a theory earlier on how Lufffys Sun God powers may be the reason Kizaru could awaken his DF as Kizaru is light ofc and thats why Kizaru can't move at the moment as hes is transforming like Luffy did.

This is probably extremely wishful thinking/delusion like the Jika memes but that doesn't it being so much fun to believe in either.

I actually wanted Luffy to help Kaido with his depression/wanting to commit suicide, I thought Luffy would help him overcome his depression and once we had the "are you having fun Kaido", Gear 5 being all goofy and toon force and Kaido laughing and being happy for a part of their fight and it being revealed he was waiting for Joyboy to appear, I thought we might get an eventual redemption arc for Kaido, where he gets his glorious death protecting Wano from a Blackbeard pirates full invasion or the WG and Marines and he dies similarly to his former crewmate Whitebeard, whilst fulfilling his role he is supposed to have due to his fruit, the "guardan deity".

Kaido could get a sort of redemption by death and we could have an arc of Chopper, Law, Marco trying to cure the Smile afflicted users and Queen begrudgingly ends up helping out to cure it somehow. King ends up helping to protect Wano too, becoming the one to run the Fire Festivals and provide a beacon, a torch of hope and inspiration for the people of Wano, the undying flame, the flames of Oden or something too.

I also wanted the doctors especially Chopper to diagonise Big Mom's eating disorder and help her cure it too. Given all the themes of famine in Wano and BM being there herself, it would have eben the perfect opportunity to cure her as well and BM could also end up trying to protect Wano potentially, maybe adopting Tama and Toko and staying there to protect them or having Smoothie stay in Wano to help protect it too. And then I can ship Smoothie x Yamato too /s.
I remember seeing an awesome idea of Smoothie using her DF to squeeze out whatever causes the Smile victims to be the way they are and thus she could also cure Killer too or whoever cures the Smile victims, ideally Chopper ofc especially, could cure Killer too and thus make Kidd and Killer into intentional and thus more supportive allies as well then out of gratittude.

Again I'm going on tangents, but I'd love Kizaru to be on the crew regardless, I love the idea of Kizaru being liberated, being freed and Luffy being the one to bring light into his life too ironically or poetically even.

TL:DR version I generated of my post:

How about this for a wacky One Piece theory: The Straw Hats need a new member, and they've got their eye on an Admiral, just like Blackbeard has Kuzan. The contenders are Kizaru and Fujitora, but Green Bull is out of the question (sword fights with Zoro, anyone?).

Fujitora could be the perfect fit to reform the Marines, alongside Smoker, Tashigi, Helmeppo, Koby, and maybe even Drake if he leaves Sword. They'd create a kinder, less corrupt force with a new Fleet Admiral. Sayonara, Akainu!

But Fujitora is also a swordsman, and we've already got two in the crew. Instead, why not have Yamato join as a Yonko commander and child of a Yonko? It's time to diversify the crew with Carrot and Kizaru, covering both a new female member and a Logia user.

Kizaru could add some science to the mix, bonding with Franky, Chopper, and Usopp, and maybe even trying to win over Sanji (we all know how that would go, though).

The best part? Freeing Kizaru from his "corporate/government slave" life within the World Government. If Luffy can rescue him from that darkness, it would be poetic and beautiful. Luffy's all about freedom, and Kizaru deserves a taste of it.

In a nutshell, Kizaru joining the Straw Hat crew would bring humor, liberation, and an interesting dynamic. One Piece is all about dreams, after all!

This fits the people of Wano perfectly, as well as characters like Nami, Robin, Sanji especially but also can fit for Kizaru for example:

Kizaru might be the "Robin" of the Marines and post TS too. Stuck in part of a corrupt organisation, wishing they were dead/feeling empty inside and needing joy amd liberatio nand thus nd to feel alive and free, to be saved.

Kizaru has a heart! Once Luffy proves Kizaru has a real choice now, we're getting a heavily fortified Revolutionary position on egghead!
I'd love this so much, Dragon and the Revolutionaries, especially Kuma NEED this MASSIVE W SO DESPERATELY too! Absolutely brilliant idea! @Cross_Marian thoughts on this?

The Revs do need a proper new main base after Blackbeard raided and wrecked Baltigo and CP0/Marines showed up there too?
I'd unironically love this. I think the SHs should get an Admiral to join them as a parallel to Blackbeard and since Kuzan chose the BB pirates, that leaves only Kizaru and Fujitora ofc.
Green Bull is absolutely out of the question, him and Zoro would fight over who can be the most racist and have a greater rivalry than Zoro and Sanji. /s

I really would love to see Fujitora join but the SHs need a Logia and he obviously isn't one. Fuji would be great to stay in the Marines and reform them along with Smoker, Tashigi, Helmeppo, Koby, Drake etc. (I'm assuming the ones in Sword will be reinstated into the Marines, a new reformed, better version of the Marines that is more humanitarian by far and less corrupt etc with a new Fleet Admiral in charge, with Akainu inevitably gone eventually imo and possibly dead too.)

I cant see Fuji joining the SHs because hes a swordsman too, we have 2 swordsmen in the crew already and since Fujitora uses 1 sword like Brook, having them both in the crew is excessive imo plus too many swordsmen in general. I would have had Yamato join and have her actually using Odens swords, adopting his fighting style and thus being the 2 sword fighter er "Twin Swordsman/Double Swordsman" whatever of hte crew and you could argue she could also help Kuina accomplish her dream vicariously too. (Assuming you dont regard Yamato as male regardless, lets not argue about Yamatos gender please lol.)

But honestly, the SHs should get Yamato and thus a Yonko commander and child of a Yonko to join (Uta could have been a possibility if Oda didnt chicken out with her and just used her as shameless sales boosting/merch bait for horny weebs), Carrot and Kizaru, thus covering the need for both a new female member at least and also a Logia.
Kizaru could add another science element to the crew, even being the scientist of the crew, although I was hoping Lilith might join instead to be the scientist of the crew and a new female member too. She could bond with Franky and probably Chopper and Usopp too. Maybe even Sanji, well he certainly would try at least lmfao.

I've gone way off a tangent here but I'd love Kizaru to join, I'd love for him to be freed from his shackles of being a "corporate/government slave" and despite Oda drawing him "happy" as a child, he might still have a sad past at least, as we still ont know a LOT about him including why and how he joined the Marines and thus why he's so loyal to the WG too.

Oda has been implying if not also downright stating/showing Kizaru is against this and despite his role and authority, his responsibility as an Admiral, he can't bring himself to kill the people he adores and knows so well, despite the fact he's supposed to be a completely subservient killing machine with no emotions, an extremely powerful, obedient "dog soldier". (Like a certain red dog Fleet Admiral who took this to heart the most by far ofc). In a way Kizarus situation is not so different to Kumas and the Pacifistas. A killing machine raised to be a slave to higher authority, darkness (ironically for a light themed, bright man) and not allowed to question/resist/refuse/disobey/whatever orders and have hesitations, personal biases, allegiances, empathy, remorse, compassion etc.

I've suspected Kizaru was holding back against the SHs at Sabaody too, he was taking so long to charge his kick/laser against Zoro, when he should be the fastest character in the series regardless? Literal light powers? He didn't even kill anyone, unlike the most lethal character himself Akainu, who Kizaru is seemingly close with ironically ofc, but that might all be an act on his part too.

Kizaru being freed from being a prisoner of the WG who can't say no, can't rebel, can't fight back, can't disobey is something extremely poetic and beautiful imo. Luffy's whole thing is rescuing people, even though he claims hes not a hero and he just wants meat and to be pirate king. Hes so modest/humble, that he doesnt care about recognition for saving lives and freeing people, he just wants others to be as free as he is and Roger was and for others to be able to dream like he can, to live their dreams, to chase them and accomplish them like he wants to and is trying.

My favourite part of Luffy and One Piece's writing is how he liberates countries and people, how he saves the people who need help the most. The infamous scene of Nami begging for help against Arlong, Usopp, Nami, Robin , Chopper all desperately needing help but all the SHs even and also their allies like Vivi, Rebecca, Shirahoshi etc, its one of the most beautiful themes and its also something I loved about Bleach, Naruto, Fairy Tail etc.

If Oda actually does this storyline with Kizaru and has him join as a SH with Luffy rescuing him from his personal hell on earth, saving the light trapped within the infinite darkess of the WG< the black hole of corruption, I can no longer slander and complain about Oda anymore, I will be so happy, I will have to call myself Joy Boy too lmao.

I think Kizaru is a perfect fit for the crew too, hes hilarious, goofy, laidback, I can see him having hilarious chemistry with the SHs and bonding with Franky the most, but maybe someone laidback and thus calm and happy as Robin but also Luffy himself ofc. Kizaru saying, "well I'll be a monkey's uncle" would be the most hilarious and meta opportunity too.

There's this hilarious edit of a ton of different OP characters saving Luffys life along with Ace at Marineford and it's one of the most funniest and wholesome things I've ever seen, a ridiculous shitpost that actually has way more heart and soul than it probably should and maybe deserves too:
Even they believe in "Uncle Kizaru", the "Monkeys Uncle" too!

I was just reading a theory earlier on how Lufffys Sun God powers may be the reason Kizaru could awaken his DF as Kizaru is light ofc and thats why Kizaru can't move at the moment as hes is transforming like Luffy did.

This is probably extremely wishful thinking/delusion like the Jika memes but that doesn't it being so much fun to believe in either.

I actually wanted Luffy to help Kaido with his depression/wanting to commit suicide, I thought Luffy would help him overcome his depression and once we had the "are you having fun Kaido", Gear 5 being all goofy and toon force and Kaido laughing and being happy for a part of their fight and it being revealed he was waiting for Joyboy to appear, I thought we might get an eventual redemption arc for Kaido, where he gets his glorious death protecting Wano from a Blackbeard pirates full invasion or the WG and Marines and he dies similarly to his former crewmate Whitebeard, whilst fulfilling his role he is supposed to have due to his fruit, the "guardan deity".

Kaido could get a sort of redemption by death and we could have an arc of Chopper, Law, Marco trying to cure the Smile afflicted users and Queen begrudgingly ends up helping out to cure it somehow. King ends up helping to protect Wano too, becoming the one to run the Fire Festivals and provide a beacon, a torch of hope and inspiration for the people of Wano, the undying flame, the flames of Oden or something too.

I also wanted the doctors especially Chopper to diagonise Big Mom's eating disorder and help her cure it too. Given all the themes of famine in Wano and BM being there herself, it would have eben the perfect opportunity to cure her as well and BM could also end up trying to protect Wano potentially, maybe adopting Tama and Toko and staying there to protect them or having Smoothie stay in Wano to help protect it too. And then I can ship Smoothie x Yamato too /s.
I remember seeing an awesome idea of Smoothie using her DF to squeeze out whatever causes the Smile victims to be the way they are and thus she could also cure Killer too or whoever cures the Smile victims, ideally Chopper ofc especially, could cure Killer too and thus make Kidd and Killer into intentional and thus more supportive allies as well then out of gratittude.

Again I'm going on tangents, but I'd love Kizaru to be on the crew regardless, I love the idea of Kizaru being liberated, being freed and Luffy being the one to bring light into his life too ironically or poetically even.

TL:DR version I generated of my post:

How about this for a wacky One Piece theory: The Straw Hats need a new member, and they've got their eye on an Admiral, just like Blackbeard has Kuzan. The contenders are Kizaru and Fujitora, but Green Bull is out of the question (sword fights with Zoro, anyone?).

Fujitora could be the perfect fit to reform the Marines, alongside Smoker, Tashigi, Helmeppo, Koby, and maybe even Drake if he leaves Sword. They'd create a kinder, less corrupt force with a new Fleet Admiral. Sayonara, Akainu!

But Fujitora is also a swordsman, and we've already got two in the crew. Instead, why not have Yamato join as a Yonko commander and child of a Yonko? It's time to diversify the crew with Carrot and Kizaru, covering both a new female member and a Logia user.

Kizaru could add some science to the mix, bonding with Franky, Chopper, and Usopp, and maybe even trying to win over Sanji (we all know how that would go, though).

The best part? Freeing Kizaru from his "corporate/government slave" life within the World Government. If Luffy can rescue him from that darkness, it would be poetic and beautiful. Luffy's all about freedom, and Kizaru deserves a taste of it.

In a nutshell, Kizaru joining the Straw Hat crew would bring humor, liberation, and an interesting dynamic. One Piece is all about dreams, after all!

This fits the people of Wano perfectly, as well as characters like Nami, Robin, Sanji especially but also can fit for Kizaru for example:

Kizaru might be the "Robin" of the Marines and post TS too. Stuck in part of a corrupt organisation, wishing they were dead/feeling empty inside and needing joy amd liberatio nand thus nd to feel alive and free, to be saved.

I'd love this so much, Dragon and the Revolutionaries, especially Kuma NEED this MASSIVE W SO DESPERATELY too! Absolutely brilliant idea! @Cross_Marian thoughts on this?

The Revs do need a proper new main base after Blackbeard raided and wrecked Baltigo and CP0/Marines showed up there too?
Kizaru joining would be too Kino sadly. Eggheads still has a lot of potential to really put the fire under the WGs feet, and ever since Dragon was given the heads up by Shaka (and especially the suspicious amount of in world time Oda is letting pass on Egghead) I've been thinking about possible bail outs. Maybe even a long term occupation by the Revolutionaries/Grand Fleet.

What really excites me about a Kizaru join (on top of being a logia), would be the BDE he'd add to the Straw Hats. Law and Kidd were shocked when they saw a Warlord was under him, imagine the worlds reaction to an Admiral joining him. Especially fitting given the Sun God/Light Logia stuff too.

And I totally agree about the Revs needing a big W. If they're to be the WGs replacement they need to start looking strong.
I was just reading a theory earlier on how Lufffys Sun God powers may be the reason Kizaru could awaken his DF as Kizaru is light ofc and thats why Kizaru can't move at the moment as hes is transforming like Luffy did.
Excellent. Share it.

How about this for a wacky One Piece theory: The Straw Hats need a new member, and they've got their eye on an Admiral, just like Blackbeard has Kuzan.
I expect Oda to make a parallel there. #Kizaru4Nakama
VegaPunk will go with Luffy so where else would Kizaru go. Rhetorical question.

The Revs do need a proper new main base after Blackbeard raided and wrecked Baltigo and CP0/Marines showed up there too?
The Revs have more space for the off-screen good characters. But eventually Luffy needs to grow his crew too and go round with multiple ships like Shiki, why not? Seems more fitting of pirate king.

Kizaru joining would be too Kino sadly.
Never say that again. One Piece is about dreams. #Kizaru4Nakama confirmed
EggHead is the StrawHat base and the first territory of the Empire!

Gorosei Informer

Kizaru joining would be too Kino sadly. Eggheads still has a lot of potential to really put the fire under the WGs feet, and ever since Dragon was given the heads up by Shaka (and especially the suspicious amount of in world time Oda is letting pass on Egghead) I've been thinking about possible bail outs. Maybe even a long term occupation by the Revolutionaries/Grand Fleet.

What really excites me about a Kizaru join (on top of being a logia), would be the BDE he'd add to the Straw Hats. Law and Kidd were shocked when they saw a Warlord was under him, imagine the worlds reaction to an Admiral joining him. Especially fitting given the Sun God/Light Logia stuff too.

And I totally agree about the Revs needing a big W. If they're to be the WGs replacement they need to start looking strong.
Yeah you're right! Seems like a too good to be true thing, like a lot of ideas/theories are sadly. The better it sounds, the less likely it will happen unfortunately sigh lol.

Exactly! Dragon wanted to declare war on the WG outright and aside from what Sabo has done and accomplished (that Dragon has failed to do directly/himself too), this is Dragons chance to get involved and finally step up, especially given how important Kuma and Vegapunk are to him and at least Punk Satellites are dead apparently (cant trust Oda lol) and Stella could or may definitely die soon too.

Thats a great point about the amount of time Oda is letting pass too, I have wondered about that too, idk if its just to help make the story fell like its progressing more and thus to actually make it move forward more organically and faster or as you imply, its being done to help give Dragon and Kuma time to actually get there and get involved too as they should be. This will be Kumas last stand once and for all and he might get a Whitebeard final stand and death type moment too for all we know. (Although S-Bear may gain his consciouness and become the new Kuma officially ofc)

I'd LOVE to see the Revs or Grand Fleet occupt there, Revs would be more fitting, I wish the Grand Fleet could have shown up and occupied Wano but alas....maybe Elbaf at least? The SHs need their own official base too, Wano feels like the closest to it maybe but something they definitely claim as their own and an actual scientific, technological marvel and stronghold like Egghead would be perfect too, not to mention their allegiance with Vegapunk and nearly all his clones now too ofc!
Yeah you're right! Seems like a too good to be true thing, like a lot of ideas/theories are sadly. The better it sounds, the less likely it will happen unfortunately sigh lol.

Exactly! Dragon wanted to declare war on the WG outright and aside from what Sabo has done and accomplished (that Dragon has failed to do directly/himself too), this is Dragons chance to get involved and finally step up, especially given how important Kuma and Vegapunk are to him and at least Punk Satellites are dead apparently (cant trust Oda lol) and Stella could or may definitely die soon too.

Thats a great point about the amount of time Oda is letting pass too, I have wondered about that too, idk if its just to help make the story fell like its progressing more and thus to actually make it move forward more organically and faster or as you imply, its being done to help give Dragon and Kuma time to actually get there and get involved too as they should be. This will be Kumas last stand once and for all and he might get a Whitebeard final stand and death type moment too for all we know. (Although S-Bear may gain his consciouness and become the new Kuma officially ofc)

I'd LOVE to see the Revs or Grand Fleet occupt there, Revs would be more fitting, I wish the Grand Fleet could have shown up and occupied Wano but alas....maybe Elbaf at least? The SHs need their own official base too, Wano feels like the closest to it maybe but something they definitely claim as their own and an actual scientific, technological marvel and stronghold like Egghead would be perfect too, not to mention their allegiance with Vegapunk and nearly all his clones now too ofc!
I mean, there's no way Egghead is clawed back by the WG unless the boxes Jinbei and Robin are packing include Ohara's library.
The SHs need their own official base too, Wano feels like the closest to it maybe but something they definitely claim as their own and an actual scientific, technological marvel and stronghold like Egghead would be perfect too, not to mention their allegiance with Vegapunk and nearly all his clones now too ofc!
It's long overdue Luffy gets a base too!

Kizaru should sail along the SHP though.

Gorosei Informer

Yeah you're right! Seems like a too good to be true thing, like a lot of ideas/theories are sadly. The better it sounds, the less likely it will happen unfortunately sigh lol.

Exactly! Dragon wanted to declare war on the WG outright and aside from what Sabo has done and accomplished (that Dragon has failed to do directly/himself too), this is Dragons chance to get involved and finally step up, especially given how important Kuma and Vegapunk are to him and at least Punk Satellites are dead apparently (cant trust Oda lol) and Stella could or may definitely die soon too.

Thats a great point about the amount of time Oda is letting pass too, I have wondered about that too, idk if its just to help make the story fell like its progressing more and thus to actually make it move forward more organically and faster or as you imply, its being done to help give Dragon and Kuma time to actually get there and get involved too as they should be. This will be Kumas last stand once and for all and he might get a Whitebeard final stand and death type moment too for all we know. (Although S-Bear may gain his consciouness and become the new Kuma officially ofc)

I'd LOVE to see the Revs or Grand Fleet occupt there, Revs would be more fitting, I wish the Grand Fleet could have shown up and occupied Wano but alas....maybe Elbaf at least? The SHs need their own official base too, Wano feels like the closest to it maybe but something they definitely claim as their own and an actual scientific, technological marvel and stronghold like Egghead would be perfect too, not to mention their allegiance with Vegapunk and nearly all his clones now too ofc!
Bruh this got threadmarked lol.

But honestly I love that idea of the threadmark. Oda has HEAVILY gone in the route of science with the SHs post TS, with Franky and Sanji at least, along with throwing them in the paths of of Caesar, Queen, Judge and thus introducing MADS and then having them reform without Queen and vegapunk (for obvious reasons) so far and now we have the champion of science in OP himself Vegapunk now too ofc.

Oda wanted to do a sci-fi/mecha/gundam whatever manga after OP endeed, he said that YEARS ago now, so I'm sure he's compromised on that and is vicariously living through that dream with OP instead now. Given what we know about the Ancient Kingdom too and how much OP matches with Laputa The Castle In The Sky and some other stories, it makes sense too.

Some people said OP is a chimera of many, many genres and now Oda is turning round and revealing its also a post apocalyptic series, but also a fall from decadence/grace. I feel he's inspired by Samurai Jack too somehow?

Something like this too?:

Its like the story of Atlantis too for example?

Gorosei Informer

The Revs have more space for the off-screen good characters. But eventually Luffy needs to grow his crew too and go round with multiple ships like Shiki, why not? Seems more fitting of pirate king.
Absolutely! I expected each SH to get their own division like WB had with his crew and thus to have the biggest fleet in the series by far ofc, the grand fleet just being the start of it so far. Completely agree there, I would LOVE to see that! SHs at EOS will be like the WB pirates arriving at Marineford but even far crazier, more epic, bigger, badass etc!

I expect Oda to make a parallel there. #Kizaru4Nakama
VegaPunk will go with Luffy so where else would Kizaru go. Rhetorical question.
Yeah absolutely true, Saturn and I'm sure the other Gorosei and especially Imu will see him as too much of a liability/traitor and thus want to kill him too or just kill him anyway to help cover up what they're doing too. More reason for him to betray and escape the WG and thus Marines too and join the SHs as well. Kuzan probably saw this coming and thats why he defected too. There was a theory he was being forced to chill the room Imu was seen in, the frozen tomb one or the former user of the fruit was and Kuzan was gonna be their cooler battery or w/e so he fled before it was too late.
Gonna channel some real main sub energy here for this massive foreshadowing.
-Sun god Nika
-Luffy is the sun god Nika
-the sun gives off light
-Luffy was beaten like 5 times before reviving and beating Kaido (totally fair 1v1 btw)

  • He is made out of light
  • He got one tapped like Luffy in the first Kaido fight
-Wizaru is lying down in the same(ish) position Luffy was when he was knocked unconscious
-Nothing is faster than light
-Luffy awakened during the Kaido fight
-Wizaru will wake up (if he’s unconscious) which means he’ll awaken
-Like the sun, the light will shine again. He is the true sun god
-Sun God Wika, Wizaru
-He will bring the agenda to truth

-Never doubt

I really don't think it's coincidence that Oda gave Kizaru monkey symbolism too. Especially when you factor in stuff like Hanuman and Wukong for example.

After the way Luffy interacted with Fujitora and Oda conveniently avoided him encountering Green Bull too, I feel Oda is cooking something insane and unexpected here.

Oda also saida a former enemy of the crew would join at some point, not sure who he meant nor when, but something to ruminate on too definitely.
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Another confirmation of Enel and his automata.
