Gorosei Informer

Oda fucked up there. BB as a gypsy traveler with fortune teller knowledge would have made much more sense. Especially since his hobby is supposedly archeology.
Oh yes, thats an excellent point, I love that! Given how he was dressed when he appeared too, it would make sense! Aw man, wasted potential lol. Blackbeard does seem like a nomadic type too, not necessarily by choice either too maybe.
he's black because his LA actor his black? that's not how it works

BB is more of a gypsy by the looks
That was a joke. But, time travel theories are always iffy. Oda clearly didn't want to mess the story up with shit like that when he easily could have with Toki's fruit. The fact that it's explicitly mentioned that the time fruit can only go forward just eliminates that or any other "x is y from the future" theories altogether. And i doubt oda would shoot himself in the foot at this point in the story by adding it in.