Break Week Raizo-Dono is Safe!!! Is perhaps the most undertalked Epic Moment Post Timeskip

"Blah blah blah loyal to my friends this,bleh bleh bleh loyal to my friends that." This is something repetitive that every manga author uses to force us to like a character.
This dumpster of humanoid animals is not likable. They are worthless idiots. All they did in their screentime was waste space whining about someone they lost and turn promising villains into jokes. They should all have died from the poison gas.
@Mr.Baj1o @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Cruxroux
- Even though they did this for a Fraud like Raizo it doesent change the Fact that they went trough big Shit to protect a Friend and keep their loyality to the Kozuki Clan... Will always have the Mink Tribe as my favourite Tribe for this!!!

- Lets mention the Legend Pedro who went out like a Baddas as well now that were talking about the Mink Tribe
That moment sucks ass
"Blah blah blah loyal to my friends this,bleh bleh bleh loyal to my friends that." This is something repetitive that every manga author uses to force us to like a character.
This dumpster of humanoid animals is not likable. They are worthless idiots. All they did in their screentime was waste space whining about someone they lost and turn promising villains into jokes. They should all have died from the poison gas.
@Mr.Baj1o @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Cruxroux
Also there already were talking animals with chopper and zoans


Talent is something you make bloom.
In THEORY, it is a bigger sacrifice than the "nothing happened" moment, for example.

But, in practice, I was much more invested in Zoro in Thriller Bark, than I was invested in Minks or Raizo when this scene happened. So it doesn't hit as hard due to the small emotional connection.

The reason I like Nami, Robin or Brook's backgrounds more than other characters, is because there's a time invested in caring about these characters before the big sadge background. Meanwhile other characters get their backgrounds in very shorter time (Brook's background being tied to Laboon also contributes with this, btw).

So I get way less invested in side characters backgrounds or big "emotional moments". Peharps the only one I can think of is when Luffy sounds the Golden Bell and Cricket sees his shadow projected at the clouds. Aside from it, these "side character moments" are much more "cool moments" than these "BIG EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTERS".
In THEORY, it is a bigger sacrifice than the "nothing happened" moment, for example.

But, in practice, I was much more invested in Zoro in Thriller Bark, than I was invested in Minks or Raizo when this scene happened. So it doesn't hit as hard due to the small emotional connection.

The reason I like Nami, Robin or Brook's backgrounds more than other characters, is because there's a time invested in caring about these characters before the big sadge background. Meanwhile other characters get their backgrounds in very shorter time (Brook's background being tied to Laboon also contributes with this, btw).

So I get way less invested in side characters backgrounds or big "emotional moments". Peharps the only one I can think of is when Luffy sounds the Golden Bell and Cricket sees his shadow projected at the clouds. Aside from it, these "side character moments" are much more "cool moments" than these "BIG EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTERS".
Even without his background Brook would be cool - I mean a well dressed skeleton with humor, music and fighting skills