My god, the nakama-thread a spreading like a virus.
... feels like Resident Evil...
LMAO, thats a hilarious comparison and it gives me a great, "evil" idea too!:
Title: ResidenFur Evil: Carrot's Conundrum
[The WorstGen Forums, a hub for avid One Piece fans, are in disarray. Users frantically post in the Waiting Room thread, their anxiety levels skyrocketing.]
@Rambles: (terrified) The next nakama battle thread is out of control! 😱
@Bepo D. Bear: (desperate) Hey, guys, can we just appreciate Bepo's cuteness for a moment? 🐻
@Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier (resolute) We need to quell this chaos! I'll handle it. 🤨
@Pot Goblin, a dedicated Carrot stan, clad in a carrot costume, a crazed glint in their eyes.]
Pot Goblin: (sinister laughter) You're all about to be converted to Carrot stans! Witness the power of the Conejo Blanco virus! 🥕💀
[The POT GOBLIN brandishes a vial marked "Conejo Blanco Virus" and starts trying to infect fellow forum members.]
@CoC: Color of Clowns : (manic) Yes, let the furries reign supreme! Infect us all with those viruses! 🐾
[In the midst of the chaos,
@Mr. Reloaded , who resembles the cool and collected Leon Kennedy, panics as his secret identity as a furry is at risk.]
Mr Reloaded: (agitated) If they find out I'm a furry, it's game over! 😰
[CARROT4NAKAMA swoops in dramatically, akin to the formidable Wesker.]
Carrot4Nakama: (resolute) Not so fast, Pot Goblin! The Conejo Blanco virus ends here! 🧐
[CARROT4NAKAMA snatches the vial from the POT GOBLIN.]
Pot Goblin: (outraged) You betrayed us, Carrot4Nakama! 😡
[Just as a tense standoff unfolds, a dark figure lurks in the shadows. It's FORMER ONE PIECE EDITOR NAITO, who is secretly infatuated with Carrot.]
Former Editor Naito: (whispers ominously) Not if I get that virus sample first! 🤫
[Former Editor Naito attempts to steal the vial from CARROT4NAKAMA, while MIKE TESLA, embodying the spirit of Chris Redfield, rallies the forum members.]
Mike Tesla: (authoritative) Stand your ground, everyone! We won't let this chaos take over! 🚀
Ghostly: (chuckles eerily) I'm just here to relish the chaos. This is all too familiar... 👻
[As the chaos ensues,
@Peroroncino steps up, resembling a Resident Evil character gearing up for a final showdown.]
Peroroncino: (intense) Capybara supremacy is the only way forward! Join me, fellow survivors! 🦙🔥
[The forum members share a collective laugh, reminiscent of the tension-breaking moments in a Resident Evil game.]
User4 (CoC Colour of Clowns): (ecstatic) Yes! All viruses, all furries, and capybaras for nakama supremacy! 🎉🐾
User7 (Peroroncino): (determined) I'm with you, CoC Colour of Clowns. Capybaras shall reign! 🦙
[End credits roll with a One Piece style remix of the Resident Evil theme.]