Powers & Abilities AdCoC Lightning is Red, KoH Lightning is Black..

What's the difference between Busoshoku and Busoshoku Koka?.. The Black Color condensed CoA..

Going from being invisible to visible.. And it manifest with excess energy release Raw CoA lightning being Black.. In a real fight
it turns Black Red because they are trying to overwhelm each other.. What is the power to overwhelm someone is One Piece?.. CoC..

You will fall from the sky when they introduce Special guns with Ben Beckmann.. Meitos are special Swords with powers, the sooner you recognize it the better.. Actually Izo already showcased it by having wind circles around his bullets..
Once again, read the manga and stop adding your headcannon to the manga. We are told it's invisible so it's invisible.

Hyou tells us haki/ryu is invisible power.

He then uses blackened haki/ryu.

That means blackened haki is also invisible. Oda makes it black so us readers knows when that type of haki is being used.

Enma doesn't affect the other swords so stop adding stuff. The green smoke or flames comes from Zoro.

Who cares if Izo can makes circles around his bullets. Zoro can make a tornado with swords.
He wasn't scared, Zoro taunted him.. Anyway King not staying in Flames mode when Zoro can't cut him was non sensical..

Why would he say he's a threat if he couldn't cut his flame on form still
Also we literally hear the zap effects that ACoC has
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He is a sanji fan so zoro unlocking the strongest power in the series left him overdosing on copium
Duly noted
Once again, read the manga and stop adding your headcannon to the manga. We are told it's invisible so it's invisible.

Hyou tells us haki/ryu is invisible power.

He then uses blackened haki/ryu.

That means blackened haki is also invisible. Oda makes it black so us readers knows when that type of haki is being used.

Enma doesn't affect the other swords so stop adding stuff. The green smoke or flames comes from Zoro.

Who cares if Izo can makes circles around his bullets. Zoro can make a tornado with swords.
Why is there a different name attack for Hardened CoA than Base CoA then?..

Enma do affect the other Swords, just like Ashura creating copies of the other Swords..

Zoro make tornado by swinging his blades.. Izo is pushing a gun trigger..

Why would he say he's a threat if he couldn't cut his flame on form still
Also we literally hear the zap effects that ACoC has
Wrong translation..
This is your problem. Anything that goes against your headcannon must be wrong even if the manga tells us different.

Sanji tell us he's just using hotter flames. Nothing more. He doesn't say anything about lightning or plasma. That means that "lightning" is just visual effect.

We saw the same thing when Frankie fought señor Pink.

Do you believe both of them were using lightning or plasma during those attacks? They weren't. That was just visual effect.

It's doesn't become an error just because you disagree with it. Oda has made errors in his own manga. This vivre card is just telling us ACoC is actually black even if it's drawn as purple or different colors.

Since you think I'm wrong about ACoC I will once again ask you for facts supporting your claim. Provide a scene where a character or Oda tells us ACoC is red and only red.
You're a clown. "The lightning" used by franky is normal impact lightning used since pre ts.

Sanjia ifr8t lightning is drawn different and comes from the increased heat of his flames
Doesn't matter the point is it's not short range like AdCoC no touching is..
Not sure I get it.
Oni-Giri is a close range attack, King has some distance, Zoro does AdvCoC OniGiri to close the gap.

King isn’t really far away from Zoro, also there’s Garps galaxy impact which is small town tier so where’s the limitation on range?
Not sure I get it.
Oni-Giri is a close range attack, King has some distance, Zoro does AdvCoC OniGiri to close the gap.

King isn’t really far away from Zoro, also there’s Garps galaxy impact which is small town tier so where’s the limitation on range?
Zoro didn't move, he just executed KoH Onigiri while standing and it created a Flying Slash..

Onigiri is Close range, KoH Onigiri is mid-long range flying attack..
Zoro didn't move, he just executed KoH Onigiri while standing and it created a Flying Slash..

Onigiri is Close range, KoH Onigiri is mid-long range flying attack..
So we know Oni Giri is a close range atck, all he did was do the no touching which you admit, so it’s AdvCoC.

Also what about my second point on Garps AdvCoC being small town tier?