Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 13.0%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.5%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 7 4.3%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 100 62.1%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 21 13.0%

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CoC: Color of Clowns

Call me Barqbeard, the Shaggy
Crazy future leaks from Clairvoyant Clown Spoilers

1097: Kuma becomes king, is loved by the people for his Fruit and miracles. He and Ginny are married, and Ginny is pregnant. The WG discovers Kuma is the king of the Sorbet kingdom, and plans to hold another human hunt. We get a flashback to Dragon and Garp arguing after God's Valley, then move forward to see Dragon on his ship with Ivankov sailing towards the Sorbet Kingdom, having heard the next human hunt was going to be there.

Many people in the Sorbet Kingdom die, but Dragon and Kuma help save a few. Dragon destroys many ships with his Fruit and kills some Celestial Dragons. Ginny was far from Kuma when the attack happened, and is in a fatal condition. Dragon tells Kuma the only person that could save her is Dr. Vegapunk, and Kuma heads to Egghead Island, but Ginny, pregnant, dies in his arms on the way.

1098: Vegapunk tells Kuma that he can't get away with cloning a former slave in Ginny, but, that he could convince the WG to let him experiment with Buccaneer DNA. Vegapunk claims to have captured Kuma, and eventually clones Ginny's dead child, to create Bonney. Afterwards, Dragon "rescues" Kuma and Bonney with Vegapunk (and probably Stussy's) help. Garp is furious that his son keeps attacking the WG, and Kong is pissed about it, too.

We see Bonney growing up with Kuma as pirates, with the surviving members of the Sorbet Kingdom serving as the crew. Eventually, Kuma decides to become a revolutionary, and has Bonney and his crew hide out on an abandoned island. Kuma becomes known as the tyrant for freeing people from corrupt nations and overthrowing evil kings. Chapter ends with Akainu capturing Kuma's crew and Bonney.


1099: Kuma exchanges himself for Bonney, and agrees to become a Shichibukai and serve the WG as its slave. The WG/Saturn forced Vegapunk to turn Kuma into a cyborg, but, Vegapunk told Kuma he had a plan to save his life, but it would be tricky to pull off. Bonney is shown growing up with the Bonney Pirates and trying to spy on the WG to find out about Kuma. Cut to the present day, and Bonney is about to be shot. Sanji screams out, "You WG bastards! I SAID LEAVE HER ALONE! HAVEN'T YOU TAKEN ENOUGH FROM HER? COME FIGHT ME INSTEAD, WEAKLINGS!" Saturn narrows his eyes as most of the Marines aiming at Bonney fall unconscious, thick lines of CoC emerging from Sanji. Saturn mutters, "Three members with Conqueror's Haki on the same crew? Reminds me of the Rocks Pirates. You will fall here, Straw Hats, just as they did in God Valley."

Bonney is about to be crushed, when we hear the Drums of Liberation. Saturn gets punched in the face by the Ancient Robot, who then grabs Bonney, and stares down at her. "Bonney... you've grown up so much," it states, making her blink in confusion. "W-What? Why do you know who I am?" she asks, and the robot laughs. Even though it's distorted, Bonney recognizes the sound. "It's me, Kuma, Bonney. Don't worry. I'm still here." Chapter ends with Bonney smiling and crying.

1100: The Ancient Robot hands Bonney to Sanji, then begins attacking Saturn. Saturn repels it easily, then orders the Pacifista to kill Jewelry Bonney. However, the Pacifista reject this order, and begin to attack the Marines again. Saturn is shocked, but Vegapunk states, "The Pacifista were made from Kuma... you failed, Saint Saturn. No matter how much you tried to enslave that brave man, his heart and humanity overcame you." Saturn is furious, and states, "You planned this all along, didn't you, Vegapunk? HOW DARE YOU MAKE A MOCKERY OF ME?" Saturn becomes consumed by black flames, and moves to crush Vegapunk, after impaling the Ancient Robot. Only Sanji can move, but he's smacked down quickly.

The OG Kuma comes crashing in, and protects Vegapunk at the last moment. Bonney screams out "Daddy!" as the Ancient Robot and Kuma are ruthlessly attacked with Saturn's strange powers. "PLEASE! NIKA! DON'T LET MY DADDY BE HURT ANYMORE!" Bonney screams out, and we see the earth rumble. "GOMU GOMU NO DREAM ERUPTION!" Luffy turns the ground underneath Saturn into a volcano, with his fists exploding out like lava into Saturn, who groans and then leaps backwards. "Nika... so be it. Everything we need is on the Labophase. All Marine ships... this is Saint Saturn speaking. Destory the entire Fabio Phase of Egghead Island. All Marines who do not wish to die, retreat immediately."

Lots of reaction faces, the Vice Admirals and Lucci are all stunned. Luffy shouts, "You monster! They're your own people, why are you trying to kill them, too, Spider-Beard guy?!?!" Saturn laughs, and states, "They are all replacable. Only the Gods of this world need to be protected. In truth, the Marines and Cipher Pol are the same as Kuma: disposable slaves." Luffy is pissed, and Saturn and Luffy clash. The Marines are hesitant to fire on their own people, but then heads begin exploding due to Saturn, and they attack the beach. Lucci attempts to flee Zoro to free Kaku, but is cut down by Zoro, and falls through the laser grid.

"I've had enough of things going your way, Demon," comes a voice in the air, making Saturn narrow his eyes. Ships begin to lift into the air, then are covered in smoke, then finally ripped apart by wind.

We see Dragon standing on his ship, which is flying in the air. Fujitora and Smoker are beside him, alongside other Marines and Revolutionaries.

"Another good day to not have eyes, I reckon," Fujitora mumbles, while Smoker scowls, and states, "Consider this an act of resignation. I've had enough of your fake justice, you fake gods." (Tashigi is literally cowering behind him nodding).

Dragon transforms into his Mythical Zoan animal form (he's a dragon) and shouts as the wind storms around him, "Your era is about to end, Gorosei! I'm here to take Vegapunk, and my nakama, Kuma!"
We got God Valley, Roger, Rocks, Holy Knights, Saturn and Kuma this chapter

I think that’s plenty to be excited about, even if the God Valley incident and Rocks himself weren’t fully revealed.
i guess seeing young character designs is something to be excited about

most of those didnt do anything relevant in the chapter
nika being mentioned in the chapter knocks it down a peg
seems like everytime now we are reminded we have the messiah as the mc
Post automatically merged:

New info this chapter:
-Gloriosa was part of Rocks
-Kaido and Kuma's DFs were prizes in the tournament


Cool panels for sure. Zero lore or good info.
yeah tht bit of info was good icl