Current Events “The Admirals are Celestial Dragon Dogs!”-Say Fans of Garp and Roger

What I'm certain and I'll die on this hill is that the Egghead incident is about Nika defeating Saturn and liberating Kuma. Anyone who doesn't agree can't comprehend the recent chapters and/or is heavily blinded by their agenda. It's blatantly obvious where Oda is going with this.

Now, this certainty about Nika defeating Saturn implies the possibility that Zoro defeats Kizaru, why?
- Kizaru is certainly going to come back, Luffy one shot him but it's not over for him
- Zoro is the only one in Egghead capable of stopping Kizaru if he comes back (Luffy is going to get busy with Saturn)
- Nika mythical zoan vs Saturn mythical zoan, Zoro sword vs Kizaru sword, Sanji leg vs Lucci leg
- Zoro wants to cut everything, including light
- Zoro defeating Kizaru is going to get him a 3b bounty, while Luffy gets a 4.5b bounty for defeating Saturn (Zoro always gets a bounty that is 1 tier below Luffy's)
- Zoro getting a 3b bounty and defeating Kizaru is going to put him closer to Mihawk, while Luffy surpasses Shanks (4.5b bounty) and gives him the SH in Elbaf
My money's still on Kizaru pulling a heel turn and potentially dying at Saturn's hand. Oda's been putting a fair bit of teases that Kizaru's conscious is finally starting to weigh on him over his orders to assassinate an old friend and his open acknowledgement that he's effectively just as much a slave to the system of the World Government as anyone else.

Though I suppose if Oda opts to go the bleaker, more nihilistic route and have Kizaru double down on his current status, I can certainly see it being likely that Kizaru would fight and lose to Zoro.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
This is all you can muster up? Really? Kind of sad that your only argument is Luffy being held back by his DF weakness that Kizaru had no part in (this happened against Lucci and Kaidou even though the former landed 0 hits on Luffy and only took a minute to destroy), but what ever.
Except Luffy never showed such weakness against Kaido, so yes casual Kizaru exhausted Nika without even trying to fight him lol. Kaido couldn’t exhaust Nika like that.

Just imagine if Kizaru actually wanted to fight Luffy and wasn’t turf restrained. Nika would probably be killed in one blow.
What I'm certain and I'll die on this hill is that the Egghead incident is about Nika defeating Saturn and liberating Kuma
I'd agree with that, sure, though I am not certain in which way will Oda go towards that.

Now, this certainty about Nika defeating Saturn implies the possibility that Zoro defeats Kizaru, why?
- Kizaru is certainly going to come back, Luffy one shot him but it's not over for him
- Zoro is the only one in Egghead capable of stopping Kizaru if he comes back (Luffy is going to get busy with Saturn)
- Nika mythical zoan vs Saturn mythical zoan, Zoro sword vs Kizaru sword, Sanji leg vs Lucci leg
- Zoro wants to cut everything, including light
- Zoro defeating Kizaru is going to get him a 3b bounty, while Luffy gets a 4.5b bounty for defeating Saturn (Zoro always gets a bounty that is 1 tier below Luffy's)
- Zoro getting a 3b bounty and defeating Kizaru is going to put him closer to Mihawk, while Luffy surpasses Shanks (4.5b bounty) and gives him the SH in Elbaf
I do have some disagreements with your reasoning, though I do not care enough to discuss it right now. But as I said, you've said that Kizaru is going to be Zoro's victim multiple times now. If you think it only "implies the possibility", that's a different thing, but I'd find that surprising considering how many times I saw you mention that. Or am I getting something wrong?
Except Luffy never showed such weakness against Kaido, so yes casual Kizaru exhausted Nika without even trying to fight him lol. Kaido couldn’t exhaust Nika like that.

Just imagine if Kizaru actually wanted to fight Luffy and wasn’t turf restrained. Nika would probably be killed in one blow.
The same Luffy who got tired from fighting Lucci and running all over the place, like he ran after Kizaru?

I guess Kizaru is Lucci level.

That's how stupid your argument is.

Luffy didn’t collapse against Kaido though lol. Franky had to save Luffy from Saturn. Kaido couldn’t do that.

Ergo by definition casual restrained distracted Kizaru put Nika on his deathbed lol.
The Luffy who had already gotten a similar "deathbed" drawback after fighting Lucci?

You are telling me that Nika who was on his deathbed got up 32 seconds later and one shot an admiral?

I pray pray that an admiral never faces a Nika who did not get a drawback minutes ago or it'll take only a Nika ass clap to finish the admiral.
Against both Kaido and Lucci, Luffy was sitting down (even talking shit to Kaido) and was able to fight within 2 pages.

Against Kizaru, he was laying on the ground without saying anything (after mentioning he is at his limit) and had to rely on Franky to save him from Saturn.

I find it disingenous to compare first two cases to Kizaru one.

They painted Queen’s clearly dark hair blond lol, what is your point? These guys are color blind and only possess the intelligence of your average Yonko fan
Actually, Queen's hair is blonde in volume cover
To be fair, there are a lot of people here writing their own manga. Like Pringles and a bunch of others who were claiming that Zoro would fight and beat Kizaru instead of Luffy.
So now you are resorting to straw man because you are too much of a loser to actually quote me in the first place or answer all of the recent instances where I quoted you?

Luffy already defeated Kizaru and put him down and now he is going to switch to the stronger opponent who is Saturn. By the way, for those who don't know, @BlackLegFring doesn't put Saturn above Kizaru because he is an admiral fangirl and refuses to accept the obvious.

@BlackLegFring is so deluded that he doesn't believe yet that it'll be Luffy who will defeat Saturn and liberate Kuma, like the 2 latest chapters have clearly indicated us.

@BlackLegFring still thinks that Kizaru may be stronger than Saturn, even after 1096, and that Kizaru is a bigger threat than Saturn.

When I mention the possibility that Zoro takes care of Kizaru while Luffy focuses on the real villain of this arc Saturn and liberates Bonney and Kuma, he trembles in fear because he knows that there is truth in what I say.

So he transforms what I say because he knows it's the only way to defeat my argument.
So now you are resorting to straw man because you are too much of a loser to actually quote me in the first place or answer all of the recent instances where I quoted you?

Luffy already defeated Kizaru and put him down and now he is going to switch to the stronger opponent who is Saturn. By the way, for those who don't know, @BlackLegFring doesn't put Saturn above Kizaru because he is an admiral fangirl and refuses to accept the obvious.

@BlackLegFring is so deluded that he doesn't believe yet that it'll be Luffy who will defeat Saturn and liberate Kuma, like the 2 latest chapters have clearly indicated us.

@BlackLegFring still thinks that Kizaru may be stronger than Saturn, even after 1096, and that Kizaru is a bigger threat than Saturn.

When I mention the possibility that Zoro takes care of Kizaru while Luffy focuses on the real villain of this arc Saturn and liberates Bonney and Kuma, he trembles in fear because he knows that there is truth in what I say.

So he transforms what I say because he knows it's the only way to defeat my argument.
I just know that you will run again. That’s all you ever do. It’s hilarious that you objectively embodied the term “loser” by admitting to a loss and running then have the audacity to even try to use the term against someone else. Get outta here!

Man…the sheer temerity! YOU are the one that still hasn’t answered the question I posed you ages ago. You pointlessly tagged me in useless crap where you still weren’t answering my questions and pleading with any and all of your buddies to please answer for you…and none of them could do it either.

Do you really think I’d get amnesia or forget? Or that your pathetic excuses and admittance to not even reading replies just disappears? This is the Internet, All your crap is available for everyone to see.

It’s real simple Pringles. Stop running and answer the simple question: what did Saturn do up till 1095 to make him stronger than Kizaru? Don’t run away now….this is like the 6th time I’ve had to ask you that.
How exhausting.
No my argument is "Even if something looks black, Oda and the anime have colored them as a completely different color.", which is true, and you know it's true.
If the colored manga comes out and Aramaki's blade is actually black, then you're correct and I'll concede, but now you're 2-0 and I seriously doubt the colored manga will save you but anything can happen.

And y'all claimed Kizaru one shot or would one shot Luffy, but that clearly wasn't the case.
Give it a rest, you lost, it happens.
Funny how Kidd took one L and most of his fans conceded and admitted that while he was/is strong, he just wasn't ready to fight Shanks yet. But the Admirals take L after L and their fans (or wankers) keep trying to make excuses for them losing.
Huh? When did you ever see me claim that Kizaru one shot or would one shot Luffy? Take your time to look for it if you have to…

Please don’t confuse me for someone else. The only ones taken multiple “L’s” so far are those who claimed Zoro or Sanji would fight Luffy instead…or both together…or Luffy would win in base…or Luffy would not need Gear 5…or that Kizaru would be KO in 1093.
My prediction has always remained the same and has unsurprisingly been true: Luffy will need his strongest form to defeat Kizaru in a difficult fight.
Lo and behold, that’s exactly where we’re at with Luffy needing at least 2 rounds of Gear 5 to defeat Kizaru. That shouldn’t have been a surprise to anyone with basic reading comprehension. Y’all only have yourselves to blame as is always the case.

It really shouldn’t take that many cases of failed nonsense to figure out something so simple, that top tiers are top tiers…no matter how much that falls Admiral haters, lmao
I think it's apparent that Garp views the CDs as a necessary evil. The reason he refuses to be an admiral is because it would make him a direct subordinate of the WG and will have no choice but to answer their calls. He also was shown to care about the Balance of Powers.

Him struggling between his feelings and his job was blatantly shown to us.
That sounds more like Akainu's view, necessary evil to uphold the law
Garp just straight up a retard