Sign-up Hunter x Hunter : Create your own character edition (STARTS LATE OCTOBER/BEGINING OF NOVEMBER)

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When were you under the impression this game is..

Hey guys, I have a few things that need ironing out but so far so good, roles are coming up nicely. Ill be sure to update some of you by the end of tomorrow max.

Thank you for your patience.​


What could have been...
After you vanished in the hyperbolic time chamber... The world has descended to chaos.

The year is now 2023. Indies now rule the streets, while the main alignments and reduced to mere rats smuggling copium in the alleys.

Master Zolo... I have waited eons for your destined revival and humbly request that you take us under your wing.

With you, we can make mafia great again, and restore balance to this world!
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