Who receives the official MVP?

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Should have known something was up when I asked Watson if there was something about her role which needed to be said and she didn't exactly claim Miller herself.
He's staying

Or else

Also Luka play on OLF sometime, I'd like to see you release the beast

I respect how passive you are being pushed and accepting of people's misreads on you which tends to get me pocketed by scum a lot lmao
You understood if was a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. So it's going to be a positive for you as town in future games imo
Should have known something was up when I asked Watson if there was something about her role which needed to be said and she didn't exactly claim Miller herself.
You should read the beginning of the scum chat because I dead ass thought you were part of the team and tagged you asking what you wanted me to do lmaoooooooo

I wasn't paying attention and didn't read or retain the team names which was my bad
Not at the start. She said "like a Miller?" and hesitated.
Not hesitation, she knew what I claimed before she even posted lmao. Thing is she thought you were in our team so she asked you in our PM why you kept asking XD. It was funny.

You dont think id tell my sub what I claimed before leaving?


Certified Memelord
Post game thoughts from Host Rej:

Once again thanks for playing everyone! This was literally Hell's Paradise for me hosting this lol.
Foremost due to me losing composure at the end for a bit, I want to apologize again to my homie @Mashiro Blue for those bad manners of me into throwing insults at him. That is definitely not deserved at all and I feel bad about it.

Now alot of you may wonder why I decided to name Day 6 and Day 7 in the name of MiLo.
MiLo would be a state where I allow the game to continue with a possible NoLynch into the night and possibly further into a LyLo.

D6 the game had 4 mafia 1 survivor 1 serial and 4 town. Aslong the mislynch would be regular in this scenario, the game would have continued, especially due to the Serial holding the game.
A serial is holding the game until they definitely have lost with the opposing faction (mafia) holding thread majority. This is a general rule to follow, so a serial is allowed to use all the remaining non mafia players that would have been endgamed or autowon, as their pawns for winning the game or possibly turn the state back so a potential misplay could win town the game.
The real mislynch in this case was the Serial Killer, because lynching him would put town into lethality range, because mafia had all tools to win the game correctly.

Yes, this was a conditional MiLo and we decided that it would make sense to just announce it so players can stay alerted and maybe use this for the number game.

D7 was a less conditional but a real MiLo held by the Serial. Even if mafia had majority against town, both indies siding with town would have caused mafia's break. On the other side town lost majority and if the Serial would have been lynched, then there would be no way to keep the game going after parity at gunpoint.
A no lynch could have dragged this and would allow for maintaining the state aslong there is the slightiest 1% chance of a mafia removal.

Both MiLos were dedicated to the Serial, firstly holding majority with town and survivor and secondly holding parity with survivor and single town.

Anyway, I am glad we had such a rare and exciting endgame. A good ol' remember worthy indie fiesta as from the books of OJ. Thanks once again for all players!

Due to the amount of soft angling in this game I decided to not hand out a MVP for once. The decision is really rough on this.
I will rather just open a poll I guess with the alive players? And you guys can decide based on their overall game and MiLo performance. That way we can fairly pick a MVP. If you guys want a to vote for a dead player, you guys may just tag me and bold a vote mvp or so. If there are enough I may additionally crown that player as another MVP.

I will be open for questions, but I may take my time with the one or the other. Thanks again everyone! And especially thanks for @osieorb18 for helping me out through this. From the creation to the very end! I learned alot.
going to vote mr reloaded for my personal MVP lets get it
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