Following his heroic contributions during the 39th Asian War, the acclaimed Swiss automaton Montblanc gains widespread recognition. However, his untimely demise by violent means engulfs both robotic and human societies in mournful sorrow. Montblanc's honorable image intensifies in the aftermath of the war thanks to his passionate dedication to conserving nature and his kind-hearted nature.
Assigned to unravel Montblanc's tragic fate, Gesicht, a Europol detective and robotic war veteran, unravels sinister clues that implicate a mysterious entity christened "Pluto." The investigation reveals a nefarious plot to dismantle eight specialized robots located globally that played pivotal roles in the war effort. Racing against time, Gesicht is determined to safeguard the remaining machines while confronting his own past remembrances, grappling with ethical predicaments, and addressing a hostile environment, all while striving to sustain a delicate balance between humans and robots.