Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1097 Spoilers Discussion

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No... The police is made to enforce law and order. Thats what police and policing means.
That’s not true. There is no police force in the world that does this

again, you are confusing the will of the state with law… The state is just a bunch of politicians, they decide what the police do… hence why police can be told to disrupt a peaceful protest because they are protesting something the state doesn’t want them to… that in itself is illegal but the police can’t be punished for it because it’s the state that told them to do it
I think the "Bonney is a clone" theory is getting more and more likely every chapter.
It just makes the most sense at this point. I have a hard time imagining that Ginney will survive whatever is happening to her at the end of this latest chapter, only to go back home with Kuma, have a daughter and then die for real afterwards at this point.

So Ginney probably dies in captivity of the WG for being a high ranked official of the Freedom Army and this leads to Kuma having Vegapunk clone Ginney to create Bonney.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
This why the "intention" is the most important part
Robin is innocent, she was not evil… her life was evil
Many Marine soldiers have good intentions and some are abusing their power
Many Pirates and 100% of the WG have selfish reasons
The only entirely good fraction is the Revo Army
No, Robin WAS evil, and was saved by Luffy and the Straw Hats.

Aokiji was not going after her to be a dick.

Aokiji was like "Damn it, the girl I saved almost took over Alabasta with Crocodile."

Robin after starving a civil war to try to overthrow a kingdom: "I don't care about kingdoms or people's lives. None of that matters to me."

By Alabasta, Robin only cared about history. The Straw Hats are the ones who taught her how to love and trust again, which is why she's so much happier now.
What about the Gorosei and God Knights?
I still believe that the gorosei are being currently overhyped and are being defeated in Elbaf.

I feel like Oda will have Imu notice that the straw hats are becoming too difficult to deal with and will tell the Gorosei to go kill them in Elbaf under the guise of another “Population Extermination tournament.” Which is why odas establishing what kinda of creatures these Gorosei are now by using Saturn.

God Knights will fall to revs imo.
Dragon being a former marine got nothing to do with Akainu hunting Luffy, y'all reading too much drama into it. The fact that he is a high profile rising criminal who happens to be Garp's grandson and the son of worst criminal in the world is what Akainu had in mind and he literally says it lol, just following through with his criminal by blood mentality
I mean the only ever times where Oda had characters refer to Luffy like Akainu does was BM and Chinjao calling him Garp's grandson and coincidentally both have history with him.

yes i agree that Akainu also had simpler reasons to hunt Luffy but the second he saw him he was like I'll have to kill this kid no matter what and the only logical explanation for me is that it's due how big of a figure his father has become.
My biggest issue with Bonney being a clone of Ginny is that Kid Bonney and preteen Bonney don't look like Ginny.

Like I'd totally get behind Bonney being a clone of Kuma and Ginny's kid or a clone that uses Ginny as a base, but like... why have it be a direct clone and then have her carry none of the features except hair color?
Vegapunk has constantly refered to Bonney as a child, and one of the translations of the words he uses literally translates to a child of a specific age (I think it was 12/13, can't remember).

Since Vegapunk knew Bonney growing up, he would know her real age. Also keep in mind Saturn has called her a child as well.

Apparently, this chapter proves that Bonney wasn't born at the time she should have been, so, people are thinking she's either younger than she appears and is Ginny's daughter, or is a clone and younger than she appears.

I think Bonney is a clone made of Ginny and Big Mom's Lineage Factor, since her being Kuma's biological daughter doesn't make sense, as Bonney would be a Buccaneer, when she clearly isn't, as we see her turning into a Buccaneer form using her Distorted Future technique, showing she isn't one now:

Bonney's distorted future form is clearly her becoming a Buccaneer; just like Kuma and Klap, her legs and hips are relatively normal, while her abdomen, upper torso, and arms are all gigantic and comically oversized compared to the lower half of her body.

If Bonney was Kuma's actual child, she would appear like this normally, rather than it being a distorted timeline.
I specirically said today:josad:
Any chance Kuma and Ginny never had a child but that at some point, Kuma took her memories with his fruit to spare her some painful memories of her kidnapping and now she lives as Bonney, thinking she is Kumas daughter?

She is 13 years old with Bonney as identity but the same age as Kuma as Ginny.

Its not that the WG wanted Bonney to return to them when she was with Akainu, its that this is still the kidnapping of Ginny?

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Cross Guild would be the perfect place for Oda to bring together not only the Warlords but also Luffy's past villains like Kuro, Krieg, Enel, Ceaser, etc.
This is what I always thought.

If Oda wants to bring back some random villain from earlier in the series, just plug em into Cross Guild.

We know that Helmeppo wants to go after Morgan, his dad, so, if Morgan joined Cross Guild, we'd have Helmeppo and Morgan hunting each other, which would be pretty fun.

Still waiting for the eventual Alvida/Koby reunion.
My biggest issue with Bonney being a clone of Ginny is that Kid Bonney and preteen Bonney don't look like Ginny.

Like I'd totally get behind Bonney being a clone of Kuma and Ginny's kid or a clone that uses Ginny as a base, but like... why have it be a direct clone and then have her carry none of the features except hair color?
She's very disheveled due to circumstances. She could've looked different if she wasn't a slave.
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