Speculations Mihawk & Imu Conection Solved. Mihawk is "Celestial Dragon" Confirmed?


World's Strongest Swordsman
Then thats people seeing what they want, unless Oda was planning to have Zoro kill Kaido and changed his mind, which every normal person who has been reading One Piece for so many arcs would know wouldn't be the case.

Piccolo and Vegeta said they would kill/defeat Frieza on Namek, did you think they would do so? But no its the author who is an MC muncher for doing the most obvious thing that even children can see coming, having the main character defeat the main villain.:luuh:
He did change his mind. King's retcon is clear enough proof.
i do think mihawk has the chance of being a high - ranking CD judging from his royal personality
tho i dont think the rabbit and insect comparison is correct here here
CDs are simply racist while saying that , they hate every human

meanwhile mihawk is calling them trash cause of their strength
he will respect the strong ones and even give them a chance to show themselves

mihawk isnt a scum like them
Then thats people seeing what they want, unless Oda was planning to have Zoro kill Kaido and changed his mind, which every normal person who has been reading One Piece for so many arcs would know wouldn't be the case
Or, oda deliberately misled readers with the hints. Wouldnt be the first time
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He did change his mind. King's retcon is clear enough proof.
Kings retcon?
Yoru does literally portray the world government symbol with its gems, the fuck are people even trying to do when denying Mihawk is somehow related to that storyline? He is not just a nobody. Oda has explored ALL of the original Warlords, and just gave Kuma tons of backstory, but Mihawk is just gonna not get anything?

Think for a fucking second. It's obvious. Guanrtuee you we will get some flashback to God Valley again and a kid Mihawk will be there training under Garling and be called "Nerona-sama" or some shit like that by Garling. Whatever Mihawks relation to Imu is exactly, his whole aesthetic screams WG to me.
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We saw kid Mihawk in that picture where Oda drew the young warlords… He DOES NOT look like a celestial dragon at all
This is not an argument. Mihawk is clearly very different from most Celestial Dragons already and it is not like he looked dirt poor but just scruffed. Almost like he was training. Chances are even Kid Mihawk did not act like Doffy and was pampered but already trained as a God Knight so comparing him to somebody like the average CD already does not work.
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Imu is more likely human, related to King Kobra loosely.

Mihawk is from some vampire race.

Luffy wants to unite all races, Imu wants to destroy them.
Imu has a weird way of showing it seeing as they have five guys that are at least low top tiers in the Gorosei Imu could send out on Genocide runs to exterminate pretty much all races but humans and giants without breaking a sweat. The idea that Imus desire is to destroy all races and yet they allowed the fucking FIsh Men to join the Reverie is also very weird.
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What's funny is they're both heaven and earth. King Of The World V Buggys YC2. Killed the second strongest in history (Joy Boy) V couldn't even kill pre TS Luffy. :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:
Maybe Imu is like Enyru from ToG? Dudes mere presence gave fodders the power to see the future. Maybe Imus presence gave Mihawk power too?
I would think he would have the same privileges shanks does
but he doesnt so I cant agree
Who knows of Mihawks identity he is shrouded in mystery, he was allowed to hunt Marines, and they allowed him to enter Warlords after that. That's weird. Look at Kumas recent importance, who would have expected that. Mihawks background is completely unknown and design based on Dracula & has such importance for one of the main characters, he is surely not just a unimportant nobody. It's obvious Oda has big plans for Mihawk.
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Who knows of Mihawks identity he is shrouded in mystery, he was allowed to hunt Marines, and they allowed him to enter Warlords after that. That's weird. Look at Kumas recent importance, who would have expected that. Mihawks background is completely unknown and design based on Dracula & has such importance for one of the main characters, he is surely not just a unimportant nobody. It's obvious Oda has big plans for Mihawk.
He isn’t allowed to hunt marines though , he was strong enough to and the moment he lost his warlord status he was hunted down. Perhaps he is a remnant of the original family but he is not a celestial dragon.
There's is no definite proof or even allusions to this

But I do support Nerona Mihawk theory, both of them having the exact same red ringed eye is too suspicious to me.
Since this thread is vague hints piece tagged, here's another one.
Why would Mihawk of all people be the most unexpected person to show up on Mary Geoise?

Considering Doffy and Kuma I'd have expected one of those to be the one most unexpected. Or even Jimbei. But definitely not the guy who seemingly just wants to chill and slice pirates now and then.

What business does Mihawk have with Mary Geoise that's more crucial than even Doffy's or Kuma's? It appears like Doffy knows something and Sencuck and Tsuru suspiciously use their most proficient pokerfaces.