Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

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If it is in your bloodsystem, permanently poisoning you, maybe haki is able to block it for some time and degree, possibly the reason whitebeard survived so long with it, but completely cancel... i doubt.
Haki should only be able to affect DF effects. If Oda started having haki affect like regular diseases and toxins then we would get into questions regarding Roger dying of diseases yet he was peak haki master
Power is NEVER vacant, there will have someone/group willing to do whatever it takes to fill the spot.
Of course and for this spot; for the position as "Gods" many will start a bloody war, more lifes will be taken for the greed for power.
The only thing that would stop a full on world war is the red line... until the theory comes true and it get destroyed by a ancient weapon, which would be disastrous for world; after all with the destruction of Lulusia the ocean rose 1 meter, image what will happen if the Red Line is destroyed... the world would be doomed :kayneshrug:
Last chapter had one of the old people talk about Kuma pushing diseases out of them… Why didn’t Kuma push the disease out of Bonney and Ginny?

Maybe it’s like Kuma can only diseases like arthritis that… Diseases that are connected to like failing organs or pain since those are connected to the nervous system

I think the implication is that Ginny contracted something like HIV/AIDS…. A disease that Gets sexually transmitted but can also be passed from Mother to child and is extremely fatal… So Kuma can’t push out diseases like these that are tied to like Viruses and bacteria
This is too deep man. If she is terminally ill, she'll succumb.
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