Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

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Are people really surprised about Bonney's Age?
She literally was Introduced this Arc stuck in Water where She can't use her DF
How SHs found her, that's how Bonney truly looks
I said this more than one year ago lol, oda drawing her from the backside with huge boobs on the beginning of the arc didn´t do any favors tho.


If it is in your bloodsystem, permanently poisoning you, maybe haki is able to block it for some time and degree, possibly the reason whitebeard survived so long with it, but completely cancel... i doubt.
It opens the possibility of every strong character that oposes the government getting poisoned by this.

Joyboy, ryuma, roger, xebec, WB, luffy, SHs...
Good morning..

Ok, I was wrong about Bonney's age. I take the L.

Now I want to know why she was considered special
. It's not like they cared about the Don Flamingo family when he tried to run away and he was a full blooded CD. A ''Bastard half-blood'' like Bonney should be under prejudice instead of being considered so important that she could be traded for a battleship and a admiral had to save her.

Maybe it was something to keep Kuma in line but, with his fruit and contact with Vegapunk, he would be able to save her. Specially since she was able to escape before and after he saw and lived as a slave of the CDs (be honest, would you let a kid that can turn into a hot woman even close to a CD?). The other reason would be because her fruit is needed for something. Overall, I think it may be the first possibility but the argument is weak AF.

The second question is why Kuma decided to die. If it was for Bonney is stupid AF (again, nothing even suggests that CDs are trustworthy).

Overall, looks like a mid chapter that gives more questions than answers...


The Rogue Prince
Dragon slander is today's joke/meme, nobody seriously means it.
Due to Shanks' showings, I'm starting to doubt whether Oda will still respect Kaidou's title or will Shanks/Mihawk/Dragon trio surpass that too.
They were present in the story, even before GrandLine was a thing, even before Kaidou was a character.
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