Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

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It's time to kill a celestial Dragon. I hope Dragon does it already. Or Nika.

First it was a punch that satisfied us all back in Sabondy, know I'm so fucking angry about the Celestial Dragons.... Ohh my god if a were Kuma I would be the biggest Tyrant of all time.
It's just a story mate. Fictional characters.

You hate anyone then it's Oda for making us wait to see retribution.
That's why I think he'll survive. Remember his theme is "A world where you're better off dead", so obviously he won't even get his death wish. Not sure what Bears did to Oda for this dude to become his punching bag lol
Hm? Now this is not my takeaway at all. I think the chapter title highlights that a world run by the CDs is not worth living in
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