Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

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As I said before, it's not that it's too sad, after all I liked the Eclipse and that was ridiculously dark (though it is from a Seinen manga, but still), it's that he can never write a single female character that isn't either killed off the rip or survives due to being very beautiful/a MC like Nami, or strong but extremely deluded or ugly (Yamato and Big Mom).
Though I suppose Yamato would count as a good one, come to think of it, as she probably got the Oden shit from being locked up for so long and only having his journal to entertain her, but that's still only one good female character out of the hundreds that he's written.
Lmao at "he can never write a single female character that isn't (lists multiple completely different types of characters)
Though I suppose Yamato would count as a good one, come to think of it, as she probably got the Oden shit from being locked up for so long and only having his journal to entertain her, but that's still only one good female character out of the hundreds that he's written.
Yamashit is the worst written character in One Piece. You can't be real.
The Revos will kill them (except the children)
Call me bad but it would satisfy me soooo much like the purple wedding
1. That means the Revs are genocidal and I don’t know whether Oda’s intention is for us to think the revs are bad

2. it’s Luffy who will save the world, not Dragon, so it’s highly unlikely that Dragon will get a say in what happens to the CDs when he isn’t even the savior

3. the Revs will likely be defeated by the CDs before Luffy comes in to save them and beat the CDs so it’s also possible the revs don’t even exist EoS

let’s not forget that Oda did nothing with the 10000 Samurai and 20000 beast pirates who had been subjugating murdering and torturing the Wano citizens for 26 years… Literally Oda acts like they all just disappeared after the Onigashima war…

Literally 10000 Wano citizens fought for the beast pirates… And most of the people in the flower capital and Kuri hoarded all the wealth from the poorer citizens and let them starve and die… All this Was ignored post Wano
The men do way better than the women in this manga.
Reminder that Hancock, for all the hype she got, looked like a toddler against BB.
Sure, he's a Yonko, but if Law could get a good hit in on him then why Hancock couldn't at least scratch him is beyond me.
And there's Yamato who's always brought up in this discussion, but even then she was just used for Oda's unusual Oden wank (seriously, imagine blowing a dead guy like that).
Yes women are usually treated like trash in this manga, but did you seriously expect Ginny to break that? It was obvious that something happened to her
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