We know there‘s 7 starting scums and 2 teams. So one team only has 3 members while the other has 4. This is weird. Now you joined, which makes me think one team could just summon a team mate. Do you even have a role?
Dude you have enough activity already,1000 posts, and you can spam another 1000, i have my stance on you, i dont need to add anything else Vote Lynch Ekkologix
ULTRA: flower -> naomi -> flower -> luka -> ratchet -> mashiro blue -> oddoddfruit -> mashiro blue -> ratchet -> mashiro blue -> theancientcenturion -> polar bear -> pot goblin > Luka > TAC > Polar Bear
FLOWER: ultra -> dr_professor83 -> red night > random asshole -> red night -> ultra -> ekkologix -> red night -> cakewalker -> cakewalker > Ekko > Polar Bear
BAKIDOU: flower -> dr_professor83 -> mashiro blue > TAC > Ekko
LUKA: zolo -> unvote -> bakidou > T-Pein > Polar Bear
THE ORCA: flower -> mr. reloaded -> sallucion -> charlie -> sallucion -> red night
KIKU: mr. reloaded > Polar Bear
POLAR BEAR: flower -> unvote -> red night -> oddoddfruit -> red night -> unvote -> oddoddfruit -> charlie -> unvote -> red night
ZOLO: flower > Polar Bear
NAOMI: red night -> ekkologix -> red night -> ultra -> red night
LORD MELKOR: sallucion -> pot goblin
EKKOLOGIX: mashiro blue
RED NIGHT: dr_professor83 -> polar bear
INDIGO'S LAMMENT: oddoddfruit -> mashiro blue > T-Pein > Random Asshole > Red Night > Polar Bear
MR. RELOADED: dr_professor83 -> unvote -> ekkologix -> mashiro blue -> red night -> mashiro blue -> red night > Cakewalker > Ekko > Polar Bear > Pot Goblin > Red Night
RATCHET: cakewalker > TAC > Ekko > Polar Bear
CAKEWALKER: luka -> ultra > Indigo > Mr. Reloaded > Polar Bear > Red Night > Polar Bear
YOHO: polar bear
PSYLOCKE: mr. reloaded -> ultra >Red Night
T-PEIN: ekkologix > Cakewalker
HAYUMI: oddoddfruit -> red night
CHARLIE: the orca -> unvote > Cakewalker
ALWAYSMIND: mr. reloaded -> unvote -> red night
Sallucion: Cakewalker
Pot Goblin: Polar Bear
Polar Bear: 11
Red Night:6
Cakewalker: 3
Mr. Reloaded: 2
Ekko/Flower/Pot Goblin/Mashiro Blue: 1
in addition to that post with my claim, i also added that i had a passive that tells about game events, all 3 events day 1 (auction, hurt and heal, and worshop) seen to be beneficial to town
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