One Piece Episode 1083 - The World That Moves On! A New Organization, Cross Guild

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One Piece EPISODE 1083
[The World That Moves On! A New Organization, Cross Guild]
Ugoku Sekai! Shin Soshiki Kurosu Girudo

Opening 25 | SEKAI NO OWARI - Saikō Tōtatsuten (最高到達点)
Ending 19 | Chilli Beans - Raise

Chapter(s) : 1055 (1 - )

Screenplay | ___
Art | ___
Animation |
Direction | ___
Storyboard | __

Airdate: November 12, 2023

Episode 1084 Preview
If you told me in Alabasta Buggy would have Mihawk and Crocodile working for I would've lmao 😂 but here we are and he's putting bounty on the Marines is pulling the ultimate uno reverse card

Holy shit didn't expect Kidd to go to WCI and get Big Moms poneglyph caught me by surprise but he still doesn't have anyone who can read a poneglyph tho

It's cool to see Carrot taking over the land of Zou

Caribou is like a fly on the wall finding out all these secrets lol

Luffy isn't as dumb he's made out to be he actually remembered Franky burning the Pluton blueprint

Kidd actually acknowledging Luffy as a Yonkou but saying "really this guy" to Buggy is hilarious no
Good episode, excited for the filler next week to fix some of Act 3's missteps, like Carrot and Hiyori having no farewell scenes.

Also, based on the preview, looks like we're finally getting what we've been waiting for: more Oshiurko YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
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Bye bye, Bunny.

God damn it Nickleback's Photograph started playing in my head, oi.