Theory Successful Theory: Eichiro Oda Used a Music Video to Create a Scene

Hi Worstgen,

I posted a music video in the very beginning of the Egghead arc, and I think that Eichiro Oda seen it and created a scene based around it. So, if you really want to get a feel for how the scene was supposed to be then look at the video. It's Iron Maiden.

"Can it be that there's some sort of error?"
"Is it really the end? Not some crazy dream."

"Somebody please tell me that I'm dreaming!!"

"This shouldn't be allowed!"
"If this is a dream, please let me wake up!"

Another translation is

"Somebody, please, wake me from this nightmare!!"
"How is this allowed to happen?!"

Note: If you want to have a feel for the actual scene then you're supposed to listen to that song while thinking about Vegapunk and the God Valley incident together.

Note: Aww.... you bastards aren't going to let me post it are you?
Hi Worstgen,

I posted a music video in the very beginning of the Egghead arc, and I think that Eichiro Oda seen it and created a scene based around it. So, if you really want to get a feel for how the scene was supposed to be then look at the video. It's Iron Maiden.

"Can it be that there's some sort of error?"
"Is it really the end? Not some crazy dream."

"Somebody please tell me that I'm dreaming!!"

"This shouldn't be allowed!"
"If this is a dream, please let me wake up!"

Another translation is

"Somebody, please, wake me from this nightmare!!"
"How is this allowed to happen?!"

Note: If you want to have a feel for the actual scene then you're supposed to listen to that song while thinking about Vegapunk and the God Valley incident together.

Note: Aww.... you bastards aren't going to let me post it are you?
Maybe just a coincidence?