Gorosei Informer

Fella I'm sorry you're upset and I understand
But it may be a good time to take a bit of a cool off before things get too heated

@Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier I know what ghostly said probably upset you but please don't let things get too heated round here. Might be best to take it to pma if you want to hash it out
I already am Pot but thanks, Im just fucking sick of the same idiots spamming the same stupid jokes and slander on here.

Its rich of him to get upset when they act like assholes in the first place too and try to provoke others deliberately. Hypocrisy is an art.

Ill just keep harassing the admins till they agree to delete my account instead, fuck this place and some of the assholes here. Ill make them agree to delete it somehow, even I have to force you guys to ban me from posting here without choice at least instead.

He knows exactly what hes doing and hes getting "upset" because I'm firing back and giving it back to him. Solis is another prime example of that too, they love to provoke others on here, its all petty trolling. Emphasis on petty.
Its because of how two faced, hypocritical and passive aggressive you are, but a leopard will never change its spots. You are spineless and fake dude.

I regret trusting you again and giving you a benefit of the doubt, I dont need enemies with "friends" like you. You know a lot better than this but choose to be like this.

I'm not gonna keep trying and explaining whats the issue here and why I'm getting pissed, tired of wasting my breath/efforts. I'm just talking to fucking brick walls here.

I don't need fakers and cowards for "friends", fake friends even.

Some of you guys will shit talk me passively like this and won't even had the audacity to quote me, to act like I'm not here, FOH.

I rather have no friends than friends who don't respect me and how I feel, what I believe and just pretend to like me and respect me.

I didn't want to start another drama/fight on here but I'm pissed now, genuinely.

Its always convenient for the same assholes to shit talk when their characters have way more plot armour/favouritism from the audience, so they will never get screwed over like Kidd did. MFers think they're funny and tough to make fun of a character that got the shittiest end of the stick, who might be dead and they think they're so above it, so "righteous" in laughing at it, when they would never have the spine to support a character with far less blatant plot armour/author bias and thus actually take risks in supporting.

Thats why a bunch of cowards here bully Carrot fans too, because its safe, because its easy, they watch Carrot get screwed over, just like Sanji, Admirals, Koby, whoever Oda feels like picking on next or again and they need an easy target to bully, to make their pathethic, childish selves feel better. Juveline, playground behaviour from manchildren with nothing better to do and no spines in their worm-like bodies.

Mfers will call me toxic or Kidd fans or w/e but never realise they're the problem too, they're part of the problem if not the root, they're just as bad and toxic themselves too.

I thought you knew and understood better than this but I gave you too much credit, clearly.

You guys bully certain fanbases off the forum, so they stop posting, they go quiet then you laugh and "wonder why" they stop posting, youre the most toxic POS here honestly.
I don't hate you nor any other Kidd fan, but at the same time I'm not gonna let you just constantly insult me and others for slandering him while you proceed to do the same with Shanks, Luffy, etc.
It's not even about plot armor, plot armor never saved Shanks from losing an arm and getting a scar on his eye, or Luffy getting humiliated and one shot by drunk base Kaidou, Law and his crew getting beat up by BB and having his ship destroyed, all the shit that happened to Ginny and Kuma, etc.
And I'm sorry that this happened, but that's just how it is, Oda's not dumb enough to just have Kidd get a bs win against Shanks when he didn't even have advanced Haki yet.
This was clear from the start, even Kaidou (who uses his DF a LOT) said Haki is the most powerful ability, so how was Kidd going to possibly win?
Sometimes you just gotta face reality man.
Fella I'm sorry you're upset and I understand
But it may be a good time to take a bit of a cool off before things get too heated

@Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier I know what ghostly said probably upset you but please don't let things get too heated round here. Might be best to take it to pma if you want to hash it out
I'm not upset at all lol
I said that knowing full well he might attack me over it, and honestly I'm not hurt by it.
When you realize sanji got eye negged and Robin had to save him from getting killed by a fodder like Black Maria. Sanji fans shouldnt talk. You are inferior to any fandom since your fave is an eye diff level.
This wasn't even a diss to Luffy, but to Kaido's perfomance. And you still felt it even when Sanji wasn't mentioned 😳

Wut happened bruh, you feelin good?

But since you brought that up, imagine if i start naming the amount of times Luffy acted dumb and put everyone in unnecessary danger (and the times he needed to be saved too).
You guys bully certain fanbases off the forum, so they stop posting, they go quiet then you laugh and "wonder why" they stop posting, guys like that are some of the most toxic POS here honestly. Some of those fanbases and fans are far from innocent themselves, some of them are unhinged I'm NGL and I should know ofc, as we all do but acting like you're better and above them, when you act just act like they do is fucking disgusting and hypocritcal.
this is 100% true, sometimes the jokes get too mean and I can totally see why one would just not want to deal with it.

Some users here have never had friends and it shows. Everybody has lines they won't cross, and knowing not to cross them is basic social skills