I actually liked that flashback 10/10 :feelsokeman:

can't wait for next! :pepebusi:
Those that hate this flashback aren't good readers and just want to pollute this place with their stupid asscannons. What is the use of reading 1100 chapters of a manga and not even liking the deeper aspects of the story? Isnt it just a waste of one'S own life?
Action is good but this story isn't about action alone.
Anyone who hates it is showing their inabiliy to read and understand. I think they buy books to read what they want and not what the author has in store.
That's because you actually enjoy the story, and aren't driven by agendas :optimistic:
true lol

kuma been big mystery since tb/sabody.

so am happy now we finally get his story explained/plus mystery why his memory wiped next chapter! what did he see!? to cause saturn to wipe his memory :memehm:

though oda could just make it the laser beam that destroyed that island kuma saw invention then memory wipe?....catded

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
the flashback is very good

just the placement, with all the hype with Kizaru and Saturn, is what makes everyone desire to go back to the present

but i'm guessing Oda did it like this, because Kuma will show up / do something at the present, tying his entire story in a nice bow
This is how I'm seein it
Great characterization for Kuma and other characters but I do hope we're back in the present in 1100


I actually liked that flashback 10/10 :feelsokeman:

can't wait for next! :pepebusi:
Peak flashback imo. In an ideal world where Oda's lifespan was a 100 years with guaranteed health, we would've gotten so many more of these side adventure backstories.

He created a huge world with such a huge cast, only to realize he has to skip details about 90% of these characters to finish the manga before he dies :josad:
Peak flashback imo. In an ideal world where Oda's lifespan was a 100 years with guaranteed health, we would've gotten so many more of these side adventure backstories.

He created a huge world with such a huge cast, only to realize he has to skip details about 90% of these characters to finish the manga before he dies :josad:
that true, :pepehands:

the other mystery beside kuma

tb-giant monsters
nami-real past
zoro-real past

i hope he explains this.


Those that hate this flashback aren't good readers and just want to pollute this place with their stupid asscannons. What is the use of reading 1100 chapters of a manga and not even liking the deeper aspects of the story? Isnt it just a waste of one'S own life?
Action is good but this story isn't about action alone.
Anyone who hates it is showing their inabiliy to read and understand. I think they buy books to read what they want and not what the author has in store.
Damn bro too aggressive:gokulaugh:

Honestly, people are free to enjoy whatever aspects of OP they want. Some love the lore/backstories/comedy (like myself). Other only want content to use for their power level agendas (95% of this forum). Doesn't make the PLers any less of OP fans. Except @kurwa....he's less than all of us.
It would be bad, that's for sure
don't worry

oda showed vegapunk in the works of rebooting kuma after he told bonney it would hurt her if she found out the truth, imo he knows what he doing, as he told luffy to take bonney upstairs(where he intentionally led bonney to kuma memory room)

he making bonney trigger kuma awakening.

so kuma will show up