Chapter Title: Straw Hat Luffy, Emperor Of The Sea
-Chapter starts with the end of Kuma's flashback. He became a cyborg because Saturn threatened to kill Bonney if he didn't agree to it.
-Back to Egghead, Kuma's teleports and arrives on Egghead, in front of Saturn, but he falls on the floor and is looking at captured Bonney, crying
-Suddenly doom dut da da activate and Saturn starts to sweat, Luffy's drums of liberation activate and he rises, regaining his G5 form, both Saturn and Bonney are reminded of the stories they should to talk about about the warrior of liberation
-Massive wave of black lightning spreads across the entire island, quite like God Valley Roger and Xebec
-Saturn "what....Is this power?! How did he grow so much?!"
-Bonney "I'm finding it hard to stay conscious! What is this?"
The conquerors haki reaches where Zoro and Sanji are fighting, both are bloody and injured
-Zoro "Huff huff....I'm reaching my limit.....Why isn't he going down?!"
Suddenly the conquerors haki reaches them
-Lucci "what is.......This power?! I'm struggling to stay conscious"
-Zoro "Lu....Luffy?! That much power?! How?! It might overwhelm me, I need to end this fast and move away, I don't think I can survive a clash between Luffy and Saturn!"
Luffy and Saturn clash. The conquerors haki clash blowing away from it knocks out Nami, Ussopp, Franky and Brook, Sanji is losing consciousness and going white eyed.
End of chapter. No break next week.