Who is the leader of Conejo Blanco: Election for the Leader!

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Since I am apparently a child (my feet are too small for grown-up section), I bought myself a pair of BUNNY SLIPPERS!

Thanks to @Shimotsuki Ghostly for the find!
Unlike Quote Reply Report Likes: You, Bepo D. Bear, Pot Goblin and 1 other person [IMG]https://worstgen.alwaysdata.net/forum/data/avatars/o/10/10888.jpg?1677535239[/IMG] Pot Goblin Conejo Blanco β€Ž Today at 8:24 PM #4,997 Today at 8:24 PM New #4,997 Excellent choice my friend
:shocking: Like Quote Reply Report Likes: Devilbat [IMG]https://worstgen.alwaysdata.net/forum/data/avatars/o/4/4206.jpg?1701439315[/IMG] Peroroncino πŸ…·πŸ…°πŸ…»πŸ…° πŸ…ΌπŸ…°πŸ…³πŸ†πŸ…ΈπŸ…³ β€Ž Today at 8:26 PM #4,998 Today at 8:26 PM New #4,998

Like Quote Reply Report Likes: Bepo D. Bear and Devilbat [IMG]https://worstgen.alwaysdata.net/forum/data/avatars/o/10/10888.jpg?1677535239[/IMG] Pot Goblin Conejo Blanco β€Ž Today at 8:28 PM #4,999 Today at 8:28 PM New #4,999 Step into my office
@Mr. Reloaded you as well for that title
Like Quote Reply Report Likes: Bepo D. Bear, Devilbat, Mr. Reloaded and 1 other person [IMG]https://worstgen.alwaysdata.net/forum/data/avatars/o/4/4206.jpg?1701439315[/IMG] Peroroncino πŸ…·πŸ…°πŸ…»πŸ…° πŸ…ΌπŸ…°πŸ…³πŸ†πŸ…ΈπŸ…³ β€Ž Today at 8:29 PM #5,000 Today at 8:29 PM New #5,000 that was @Mr. Reloaded idea, i had nothing to do with it :handsup:
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Can I hack off a part of my feet for you to add it to your feet? Then both of us have regular sized feet

Bepo D. Bear

Well-Known Bear
Kapys look like they smell to be honest
Smh they love to take baths, they may be the cleanest fellas out there

anyway time to skedaddle
Have a good flight! :optimistic:

No worries, there is still hope!!

On a related note, I was looking for slippers today, something warm to wear at home in this cold winter times ...

Since I am apparently a child (my feet are too small for grown-up section), I bought myself a pair of BUNNY SLIPPERS!

Aww, now those really look cute :amazing:

Now I really want the Bear-version of them :blush:

Or the Capy-version? :shocking:

Can I hack off a part of my feet for you to add it to your feet? Then both of us have regular sized feet
Well, I'm like 160 cm tall (or should I say short :D), so my feet kinda reflect the overall size
Although +0.5-1 cm would probably make my life easier in terms of getting the shoes in the proper show section :D

Aww, now those really look cute :amazing:

Now I really want the Bear-version of them :blush:

I've seen only brown bears and black cats in the slippers section today, and tbh those were too small even for me :) conejos were just right and I got me the last pair!