Hustlerversity Graduate
You comment made me think of something.
Not a right a place to to say it.

But Humans are pretty insignificant creature.
Like we don't really have any value.
What will really change if we don't exist.
Nothing really.
Neither Newton nor Einstein achieved anything.
We talk about justice , Good and bad and morality.
But in the end nothing's really matters.
Whatever you may achieve , will not change anything.
Humans can go extinct Tomorrow and it will not change anything.
Earth can get destroyed and it will not changed anything.
Our significance to this Universe is 1/999 th of single drop of ocean.
Even that is too much.

I mean it's pretty weird thought and people can come up with religious explanation.
But We don't have any real reason to live and there is no grand purpose of anything.

I need a villain with same thinking.

Society will stop working if everyone starts thinking like that.
We are already heading towards that.
This is how Thanos started


Hustlerversity Graduate
I was curious so I searched it.
This school of thought is called Nihilism


he rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless.

Thanos was trying to save people tho....
not the same thing
Nihilism was a always a popular philosophy for centuries.

Key figure is Nietzsche who declared God ded.

You have to be in most cases heavily depressed to sympathize with it though.

Thanos believed vanishing humans with a snap is good.

Later in end game he wanted to end the entire universe all together after the 5 years since snap didn't achieve what was intended
Nihilism was a always a popular philosophy for centuries.

Key figure is Nietzsche who declared God ded.

You have to be in most cases heavily depressed to sympathize with it though.

Thanos believed vanishing humans with a snap is good.

Later in end game he wanted to end the entire universe all together after the 5 years since snap didn't achieve what was intended
You have to be in most cases heavily depressed to sympathize with it though.
What's to depressed about tho ?
You believe in the idea that nothing really matters , means you can remove the fear of failure.
You can do anything because it doesn't really matter.

Thanos believed in grand purpose of universe and that's why he wanted to save them.
Wasn't his goal was to recreate Universe.
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I am curious

Is there a grand purpose or Nihilism is right.
What's to depressed about tho ?
You believe in the idea that nothing really matters , means you can remove the fear of failure.
You can do anything because it doesn't really matter.

Thanos believed in grand purpose of universe and that's why he wanted to save them.
Wasn't his goal was to recreate Universe.
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I am curious

Is there a grand purpose or Nihilism is right.
Purpose 😃
You comment made me think of something.
Not a right place to to say it.

But Humans are pretty insignificant creature.
Like we don't really have any value.
What will really change if we don't exist.
Nothing really.
Neither Newton nor Einstein achieved anything.
We talk about justice , Good and bad and morality.
But in the end nothing's really matters.
Whatever you may achieve , will not change anything.
Humans can go extinct Tomorrow and it will not change anything.
Earth can get destroyed and it will not changed anything.
Our significance to this Universe is 1/999 th of single drop of ocean.
Even that is too much.

I mean it's pretty weird thought and people can come up with religious explanation.
But We don't have any real reason to live and there is no grand purpose of anything.

I need a villain with same thinking.

Society will stop working if everyone starts thinking like that.
We are already heading towards that.
Sometimes that makes me more afraid, if I also couple the fact with the thought that my life will end one day.

Everyone is the protagonist of ones own life. And if you are young, you do not think about the end. But this somehow dims in comparison to our insignificance. Every story ends one day and the universe does not care.
Plato go brrr.

Honestly, it's all so boring that you probably feel asleep in few hours
Philosophy is cool, look how easy is this Kant excerpt:

Productive Imagination as Transcendental Imagination, that is, a pre-discursive manifestation of transcendental apperception, which explains the foundation of Transcendental Idealism as a theoretical-metaphysical doctrine of the denial of the transcendental reality of space and time, and the affirmation of these as entia imaginaria, that is, original synthetic units coming from the same source from which the categories emanate as a discursive expression, but applied only for intuition, that is, pre-discursive, prior to any representation by universals, whether empirical, mathematical or meta-conceptual/ categories, or as Kant well defined, the combination of the multiple of an intuition in general in the original consciousness applied only to intuition, which makes possible the expression of the synthetic unity of apperception, in the form of the unity of Sensitivity performed by these formal intuitions, which precede and make possible the analytical unity of perception, that is, the form of logical-discursive restriction of transcendental perception that is capable of accompanying all representations after its synthetic unity in the original consciousness, so that this same need is involved/actualized then, in another act of synthesis, since now the extra-logical component of the categories found a "proxy" (the pure intuitions determined in accordance with the figurative synthesis), for the empirical-material side of the appearances displayed in the synthesis of apprehension, now giving objective reality to these transcendental determinations, that is, making it possible for the same determination expressed in the categories through intellectual property and "passed on" to pure intuitions during the figurative synthesis, now determines a priori the empirical-material side of appearances corresponding to sensations, and the physical realities they exhibit.
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Is this about there is other world.
And we will reach there after leaving materialistic world.
Is about everything