If loving all women is a crime, then prosecutor, sentence me to life imprisonment, for I am the most guilty of men.
If a woman believes, I agree
If a woman speaks, I listen
If a woman makes a mistake,I forgive
If a woman thinks, I admire
If a woman has 100 fans, I am one of them
If a woman has 10 fans, I am one of them
If a woman has 1 fan, it's me
If a woman has no fans, I don't exist
If loving all women is a crime, then prosecutor, sentence me to life imprisonment, for I am the most guilty of men.
If a woman believes, I agree
If a woman speaks, I listen
If a woman makes a mistake,I forgive
If a woman thinks, I admire
If a woman has 100 fans, I am one of them
If a woman has 10 fans, I am one of them
If a woman has 1 fan, it's me
If a woman has no fans, I don't exist