Current Events So why didn’t Oda just have Brannew say that…

One Piece World statements are not canon. Each character has their own view and opinion, not all of them are guaranteed te be 100% true.

For example, Buggy and his power, Moriah and being equal to Kaido, Garp hailed as hero.
How is that any relevant?
His best show of strength until now is begging for a time out. Pay attention!
Mihawk's student made Kaido scream like a little bitch and scarred for life with 30 broken bones severely nerfed and then he stomped King who low diffed Marco, in 2 seconds while having drug time limit.
Now I know that Zeff is stronger than Yonkou commanders. After all, Sanji can defeat a YC2 with no issues.
A student being strong don't automatically make the master stronger.
Green bull, an Admiral had to cheat to beat a YC1 who is injured
Now you have to lie and claim cheating?
The moment Zoro one shotted King and his bounty is still 1/3rd of Mihawk's bounty, Vista arguments died there.
The statement that bounties aren't power levels went way over your head, right?
Ya'll should be proving how Akainu can even compete with Zoro instead of crying Vista.
The issue that your stupid ass failed to understand is that the best opponent that Mihawk faced, the opponnent that was hyped in the databooks as having skills comparable to mihawk or even superior
needs helps of 15 other guys to face Akainu. The guy that Shanks faced with no issues, BTW.
Any argument that Vista is trash just makes mihawk more pathetic.
Akainu is stronger than Vista and the other 16 commanders and made them their bitches. Mihawk had to ask for a time out because he was unable to win with ease like he did with Mr. 1.

Plenty of people are stronger than Vista. Shame that Mihawk isn't one of them. :vistalaugh::vistalaugh::vistalaugh:
Yup. Zoro one shots mihawk when their fight comes. :suresure::suresure::suresure:
Now I know that Zeff is stronger than Yonkou commanders. After all, Sanji can defeat a YC2 with no issues.
What does Zeff have to do with Sanji?
Is Zeff's bounty 3 times as much as Sanji's?
Is Sanji trying to accomplish strongest kicker title and Zeff is current strongest kicker with some Yonko being second strongest kicker?

What kinda dumb ass stupid moronic reasoning is that you brainless cockroach?

Wasting my time with this stupid ass statement?
I swear to god, don't ever quote me again, or I'll beat your skinny bitch ass

Time wasting motherfucker
What does Zeff have to do with Sanji?
Is Zeff's bounty 3 times as much as Sanji's?
Is Sanji trying to accomplish strongest kicker title and Zeff is current strongest kicker with some Yonko being second strongest kicker?

What kinda dumb ass stupid moronic reasoning is that you brainless cockroach?

Wasting my time with this stupid ass statement?
I swear to god, don't ever quote me again, or I'll beat your skinny bitch ass

Time wasting motherfucker
Gah damn..
Because swordsmanship in One Piece is way more nuanced than what the average user here wants to honestly admit.

Whoever thinks Oda has depicted this issue as easily as "Mihawk has a title, therefore" is lying to themselves. It's not about denying the chance of Mihawk being stronger than Shanks, which he can very well be: it's about denying said nuances to simplify it and make it look like Oda hasn't been deliberately ambiguous on this.
What does Zeff have to do with Sanji?
You are so dumb that you are unable to follow your own reasoning. You were the one that claimed that we can just look at enemies that the student defeated to know the strength of the master. Even acted as if bounties mattered as if Buggy is a badass.

To make it easier for a retard, like you, to understand: use a better example, animal. Only a shit character always remains weaker than his master and claiming that every enemy is weaker than a master when the master never showed anything on this level is moronic. Now try to think a little and maybe your stupid ass will understand some day. Maybe...

In the official mihawk doesnt say settle though
Yeah, I know. He asks why he would challenge Shanks after he lost his arm. That was the reason for the second question after the one you quoted.

Since you usually debate in good faith, my reasoning is actually very simple: if Mihawk was clearly the better swordsman and won against
Shanks in their bouts it would be clear in the dialogue. Even assuming that he is actually serious that Shanks is not on his level anymore, this still implies that he was good enough to have a advantage in whatever way they choose to keep the score (it can very well be that some of their bouts were like Gay vs kakashi level of bullshit). The question by itself was: if Shanks was weaker than Mihawk when they fought, why the dialogue shows Mihawk as the challenger? Specially because Mihawk never sugarcoat anything.

That was basically the challenge
You are so dumb that you are unable to follow your own reasoning. You were the one that claimed that we can just look at enemies that the student defeated to know the strength of the master. Even acted as if bounties mattered as if Buggy is a badass.
Sanji prets was a fodder and that's the Sanji zeff trained while the Zoro mihawk trained almost matched odens feat if not for broken bones.
Nitpicking at its finest...
You took a scene where Mihawk strolls casually in Shanks territory surrounded by the whole crew and casually insults him in front of his whole crew, I guess you forgot to mention that.
Mihawk throws a casual flying slash and mentions something that has been said numerous times in the manga which is ''to face a Yonko, you have to go through his whole crew first'' and was proved right when Jozu intercepted the slash but you also forgot I guess.
Mihawk reputation was made before Shanks became famous (which he got probably due to him being able to hold his own against Mihawk).
The title of Yonko has been downplayed twice, by Jimbei and then by Mihawk.
Again with the ''pure swordsman'' bs ?
You Know mihawk knew what type of man Shanks was. He wasn't going to fight a man that traveled weeks to reach him and brought good news. Mihawk came to discuss Luffy and Shanks made him drink ale. Showing both their personalities.

Before that Shanks had no idea what Mihawk wanted and asked if he wanted a duel thinking about his missing arm and smiling. 1 percent of him was thinking about his crew and that he had to win in front of him the other 99 percent wa happiness because even though he's moved past mihawk and started his mission to become pirate king and protect the world balance(that's up for sale) his past has come to confront him and he knows he's up for the challenge.

Mihawk knows he can't win against Shanks and his whole crew but his insult was due to his jealousy that he might not be able to beat Shanks alone. He was just trying to establish some dominace because he had none. Though Shanks put him on equal footing by having him sit next to him and drink. Then ignored Mihawk and started partying with his crew.
You Know mihawk knew what type of man Shanks was. He wasn't going to fight a man that traveled weeks to reach him and brought good news. Mihawk came to discuss Luffy and Shanks made him drink ale. Showing both their personalities.

Before that Shanks had no idea what Mihawk wanted and asked if he wanted a duel thinking about his missing arm and smiling. 1 percent of him was thinking about his crew and that he had to win in front of him the other 99 percent wa happiness because even though he's moved past mihawk and started his mission to become pirate king and protect the world balance(that's up for sale) his past has come to confront him and he knows he's up for the challenge.

Mihawk knows he can't win against Shanks and his whole crew but his insult was due to his jealousy that he might not be able to beat Shanks alone. He was just trying to establish some dominace because he had none. Though Shanks put him on equal footing by having him sit next to him and drink. Then ignored Mihawk and started partying with his crew.
I have a question if you don't mind;
Mr.X is the champion, does he have to challenge people constantly and prove that he is the champion or is it for others to challenge him and take his position as champion ?
I have a question if you don't mind;
Mr.X is the champion, does he have to challenge people constantly and prove that he is the champion or is it for others to challenge him and take his position as champion ?
Not him, but: Mihawk was the one that acted as the challenger. Your argument just proves that Shanks was superior since he acted as the champion being challenged.

Sanji prets was a fodder and that's the Sanji zeff trained while the Zoro mihawk trained almost matched odens feat if not for broken bones.
You almost got it. I can say that Mihawk was a fodder because of Vista and have more panel confirmation than anything could say about Zeff (just look where Sanji ended with just Zeff's training and no buffs like better equipment like Zoro).

The point is: Using the feats of a student to hype the master is stupid. Cherry picking isn't a good argument.
>Did you come to challenge me?
>Nah, I won't challenge you after you lost your arm.

Basic reading man. Even assuming that Mihawk thinks one-armed Shanks got weaker, the dialogue clearly implies that is not Shanks that would challenge Mihawk but the opposite. So, using your own argument, the champion receives challengers and the weaker men is the one that asks to face the ordeal.
>Did you come to challenge me?
>Nah, I won't challenge you after you lost your arm.

Basic reading man. Even assuming that Mihawk thinks one-armed Shanks got weaker, the dialogue clearly implies that is not Shanks that would challenge Mihawk but the opposite. So, using your own argument, the champion receives challengers and the weaker men is the one that asks to face the ordeal.
Lmao the dialogue does not imply this at all. Mihawk is the champion. Mihawk is the one with the WSS title. Mihawk is the one to have been said to be greater than Shanks, when the vice versa has never been said in 1101 chapters.
The champion is always the one to be challenged, Shanks' drunken bravado means nothing as he's not seen to be superior to Mihawk in the OP world by anyone.

I mean talk about holy cope :milaugh:
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Lmao the dialogue does not imply this at all. Mihawk is the champion. Mihawk is the one with the WSS title. Mihawk is the one to have been said to be greater than Shanks, when the vice versa has never been said in 1101 chapters.
The champion is always the one to be challenged, Shanks' drunken bravado means nothing as he's not seen to be superior to Mihawk in the OP world by anyone.

I mean talk about holy cope :milaugh:
>Do you come to challenge me?
This is basic reading comprehension. What part of the dialogue even implies that Shanks is the one challenging Mihawk?
It's not even cope at this point.
>Do you come to challenge me?
This is basic reading comprehension. What part of the dialogue even implies that Shanks is the one challenging Mihawk?
It's not even cope at this point.
He asked a simple question, cause he was ignorant of Mihawks' intentions.

Now stop being fixated on a drunk man's question and look at the response. Shanks is a bum in Mihawk's eyes, he'd never fight him again. Certainly not when he knows he's superior.

Lmao can you even read? No one challenged anyone smh. Shanks was asking a question whilst being drunk, literally nothing more to it.

Nah the cope is coming from you, when even after 1101 chapters, you can't accept that Mihawk is superior in swordsmanship AND stronger than Shanks.

That's why you're misreading a simple panel, out of sheer cope
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They really convinced themselves that Zoro's entire dream is a fake dream. :rolaugh:
Cope epidemic in the Shankusu fandom. They need help
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